
The Big Shift: The Decline Of Western Politics (Part II) – OpEd

The big shiftOf course, this is the Left, but also the Right, of the good old days. The days of gentlemanly conduct and of real sportsmanship during a debate. These were the days when cultivated, curious and humble people argued passionately, but honourably. These were the days of decency, of …

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The Russian Imperial Movement in the Ukraine Wars: 2014-2023

Abstract: The Russian Imperial Movement has taken advantage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to further its revanchist goals of conquering the Donbas and “Novorossiya” while expanding its international footprint both politically and militarily. The Russian Imperial Movement gained useful combat experience through the participation of personnel from its paramilitary arm, …

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The Enduring Duel: Islamic State Khorasan’s Survival under Afghanistan’s New Rulers

Abstract: Starting around February 2023, a wave of Taliban operations against Islamic State Khorasan (ISK) led some observers to herald the Taliban’s “counterterrorism” capabilities and declare ISK a defeated, or at least irrelevant, organization. Across the Durand Line, however, in July 2023, ISK perpetrated one of its deadliest attacks since …

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Caliphs of the Shadows: The Islamic State’s Leaders Post-Mawla

Abstract: This article explores what is known regarding the Islamic State’s leaders since the killing of the group’s second caliph Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (conventionally dubbed “al-Mawla” for shorthand) in February 2022. In contrast with the group’s first caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the organization has publicized little information on his …

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Calibrated Counterterrorism: Actively Suppressing International Terrorism

Abstract: Terrorism may no longer be at the top of most Americans’ minds, but the U.S. counterterrorism (CT) community remains dedicated to protecting the United States, our people, and our allies from terrorist violence. To succeed in this still-critical mission, our CT practitioners will need to retain the agility, expertise, …

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The UAV attack on Russian cities by the terrorist forces of the West (Ukraine is more and more in the shadow of the war unleashed against us by NATO) this night was especially intense. The voices finally fell silent: how is it? Who hasn’t watched? Should have been better protected! …

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La troisième guerre mondiale approche

La guerre en Ukraine connaît-elle ses dernières convulsions avant que l’armée ukrainienne ne soit anéantie par la puissance de feu russe ? Le parti d’opposition à la guerre en Ukraine aux États-Unis, désormais incarné par Tucker Carlson et son nouveau copain Victor Orban de Hongrie, les Trumpistes et certains médias …

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How One of the Deadliest Years for Migrants Will Impact European Politics

This year has marked both a sharp increase in migrants attempting to reach Europe, as well as one of the deadliest on record, with thousands dying in the Mediterranean from overcrowded boats capsizing or sinking.War and conflict, food insecurity, political and economic instability, and poverty – all of which are …

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After the Death of Prigozhin, What is the Future of the Wagner Group?

Just yesterday, Russian authorities officially confirmed the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the infamous leader of the Wagner Group, who was killed in a plane crash over Russia last week, along with several other high-ranking leaders of the mercenary group. Prigozhin was killed two months to the day of the coup, …

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Armenia, Azerbaijan Report Casualties Amid ‘Intense Fire’ On Border

Armenia and Azerbaijan reported casualties after intense shelling near their common border on September 1, northwest of the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The Armenian Defense Ministry said three soldiers were killed on September 1 in intense shelling near the border with Azerbaijan northwest of the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh. The …

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