
Arrests Of Central Asian Jihadists In Germany And Netherlands Reveals Persistent Islamic State Threat To Europe – Analysis

On July 6, law enforcement in Germany and the Netherlands arrested nine Central Asians on terrorism-related charges. In Germany, five Tajik nationals, one Kyrgyz citizen, and one Turkmenistani citizen were arrested in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia for allegedly creating and participating in a local terrorist organization and supporting …

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The BRICS Local Currency Agenda Has International Implications – Analysis

The heads of state of Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, and Russia’s foreign minister standing in for Vladimir Putin, are currently gathered for the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg. The fact that the city was home to a late 1800s gold rush may resonate with history if this year’s meeting …

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Le ministre iranien de la Sécurité assure que son pays détient des agents à la solde de la France, la Suède et la Grande Bretagne

Le ministre iranien de la Sécurité a révélé dimanche 20 août que les services de sécurité iraniens de son pays retiennent des espions recrutés par la France, la Suède, la Grande-Bretagne et d’autres pays, soulignant que la confrontation et les récentes arrestations ont contribué à contrecarrer les tentatives de déstabilisation …

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La lutte pour la fin de l’oppression coloniale en Afrique noire «francophone» : Une composante essentielle de la Révolution multipolaire impulsée par la Chine, la Russie et les BRICS

L’impérialisme et le (néo)colonialisme constituent des formes particulières de globalisation incompatibles avec la souveraineté des peuples et la diversité des civilisations. Telle est la leçon que nous pouvons tirer des pressions (diplomatiques, politiques, militaires, économiques, culturelles) que les anciennes puissances colonisatrices européennes continuent d’exercer sur le continent africain, malgré la …

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Les vassaux de Paris reçoivent l’ordre d’attaquer : Bruits de bottes au Sahel

Contrairement aux déclarations des militaires de la CEDEAO selon lesquelles ils n’étaient pas prêts pour une intervention au Niger, et rapportées par le Wall Street Journal, il s’avère que les esclaves africains appartenant à cette organisation ont reçu l’ordre des maîtres Blancs d’activer leur armée et de passer à l’offensive. …

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Iran unveils armed drone resembling America’s MQ-9 Reaper and says it could potentially reach Israel

Iran’s Defense Ministry unveiled a drone on Tuesday resembling Amerþ ica’s armed MQ-9 Reaper, claiming that the aircraft is capable of staying airborne for 24 hours and has the range to reach the country’s archenemy Israel. Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency published a photograph of the drone, called the Mohajer-10, …

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PERSPECTIVE: The Future Fighters of ISIS Are Adolescents Being Smuggled Out of Al-Hol by Their Mothers and Financial Networks

Despite notable repatriation progress in early 2023, involving 14 countries returning their nationals, including children, the issue of detention centers and camps in Northeast Syria remains a critical challenge for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the U.S.-led anti-IS coalition. Likewise, Al-Hol camp continues to prove a breeding ground for …

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Terrorism in the Hebron area: What’s the significance? – analysis

Terrorism has not been laid to rest in the West Bank, following continued violent attacks. After around 18 months of deadly terrorist attacks in the West Bank focusing mainly on the Jenin and Nablus areas of the northern West Bank, terrorism abruptly returned to Hebron on Monday.It’s not that there …

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Arrests of Central Asian Jihadists in Germany and the Netherlands Reveals Persistent Islamic State Threat to Europe

On July 6, law enforcement in Germany and the Netherlands arrested nine Central Asians on terrorism-related charges. In Germany, five Tajik nationals, one Kyrgyz citizen, and one Turkmenistani citizen were arrested in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia for allegedly creating and participating in a local terrorist organization and supporting …

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Brief: New Islamic State Caliph Inherits Renewed Syrian Insurgency

On August 6, Islamic State (IS) announced its new caliph, Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Quraishi. He is now the organization’s fourth caliph since Abubakar al-Baghdadi declared the caliphate in 2014 (, August 6). The announcement also dispelled the notion that the previous caliph was killed by Turkish security forces, as the …

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