La plupart des pays du monde se sont rangés du côté de la Russie, tandis que les États-Unis sont devenus un pays paria. C’est l’avis de la France à la veille de la réunion des BRICS. À Johannesburg, on achève les préparatifs du sommet des BRICS, qui débutera demain, le …
Read More »Les racines britanniques du terrorisme international
«La France n’aura de sens que si elle redevient un peuple à destin, et non plus un pays rallié à une dictature financière destructrice et à la culture de la guerre qui en est l’expression…»
Read More »Le triple jeu des néoconservateurs
Nombre d’entre nous ignorent ce que sont précisément «les néoconservateurs», fauteurs de chaos et de guerre sur la planète entière depuis trois décennies, dont ils entendent parler très souvent. Quelle est leur histoire ? quels sont leurs objectifs? QUI sont-ils ? Le meilleur article en français sur ce sujet est …
Read More »L’ONU tue à nouveau en Afrique
Des dizaines de personnes ont été tuées en République démocratique du Congo lors d’une manifestation contre les forces internationales de maintien de la paix. La vague de coups d’État et de rébellions revient à l’endroit d’où la guerre s’est propagée en Afrique entière. C’est le Congo qui a catalysé l’instabilité …
Read More »Libya’s political crisis runs deeper than Israel debacle
The diplomatic firestorm unfolding in Libya comes as the United States is pushing the North African country to hold long-awaited nationwide elections. WASHINGTON — At first glance, war-ravaged and politically fractured Libya is an unlikely candidate for normalizing relations with Israel’s far-right government. For starters, it’s unclear whether the unelected, …
Read More »The Quiet Conflict in the South Caucasus is at the Crux of Global Geopolitics
The Nagorno-Karabakh enclave has been subjected to a devastating monthslong blockade. Wars have consequences — and they are drastically different for the winners and losers. In the South Caucasus, a region far from most Americans’ attention, the democratic republic of Armenia lost a short but devastating war three years ago …
Read More »China Ponders Russia’s Logistical Challenges in the Ukraine War
China is paying close attention to how Russia’s logistical failures hampered its invasion of Ukraine – particularly as China will face an even steeper logistical challenge should it attack Taiwan. In shaping patterns of future warfare, there is little doubt that militaries across the world will be seeking to absorb …
Read More »Occupied Ukraine’s Turncoat Elites Struggle to Make Their Mark in Russian Politics
The aspiration of former Ukrainian politicians working in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine to be treated as equals by the Kremlin has not been realized, and the unpredictability of the ongoing war makes them increasingly vulnerable. Ever since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, Russia has been integrating representatives of local …
Read More »Prigozhin’s Mutiny Shatters Illusion of Powerful Media Empire
Prigozhin’s media empire was conceived as a contractor that would perform functions for the state while remaining under external management. But it turns out that receiving billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money is no guarantee of either effectiveness or loyalty. One of the consequences of businessman and mercenary leader Yevgeny …
Read More »Why Yevgeny Prigozhin Had to Die
The way in which Prigozhin was apparently killed suggests the Kremlin wanted to show how it deals with traitors. Whatever really happened, the Russian elite will see the air crash as retribution for Wagner’s armed uprising. “They got him in the end.” This was a common reaction to the news …
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