
‘The Official Truth’: The End of Free Speech That Will End America

[M]edia polling from Harvard-Harris showing that Americans hold almost diametrically opposing viewpoints from those that news corporations predominantly broadcast as the official “truth.” Americans have correctly concluded that [with the “Russia Hoax” and suppressing reported influence peddling in Hunter Biden’s laptop ] journalists and spies advanced a “fraud” on voters …

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The Kremlin’s Strange Victory

How Putin Exploits American Dysfunction and Fuels American Decline Donald Trump wanted his July 2018 meeting in Helsinki with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, to evoke memories of the momentous encounters that took place in the 1980s between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Those arms control …

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Le Forum économique mondial nous promet l’esclavage par l’intelligence artificielle

La mission du Forum économique mondial (World Economic Forum, WEF) est remarquablement simple : le gouvernement mondial doit être confié aux meilleurs et aux plus intelligents. En langage WEF, un schéma de supervision totale et de modification du comportement créera un avenir «durable» pour l’humanité. Les humains sont perçus comme …

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Henry Kissinger, un criminel de guerre, est toujours en liberté à 100 ans

Nous savons aujourd’hui beaucoup de choses sur les crimes qu’il a commis quand il était en fonction, qu’il s’agisse d’aider Nixon à faire échouer les négociations de paix de Paris et à prolonger la guerre du Viêt Nam, ou de donner son feu vert à l’invasion du Cambodge et au …

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Le cœur de l’Eurasie s’élève pour défier l’Occident

Le président Xi Jinping a déclaré au président Poutine, à la fin de leur sommet en mars dernier à Moscou, que nous sommes maintenant confrontés à «de grands changements jamais vus depuis un siècle», ce qui s’applique directement au nouvel esprit qui règne dans le Heartland. Le sommet Chine-Asie centrale …

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New Troubles in Nagorno-Karabakh: Understanding the Lachin Corridor Crisis

As peace talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan continue, Baku has opened a checkpoint on the Lachin corridor, the sole road connecting Armenia to the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, raising fears of a new surge in fighting. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts discuss the risks. What is happening? There is a growing …

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Iran’s Nuclear Program: Does the Biden Administration Have a Policy?

Since 2021, the Biden Administration has been cozying up to Iran in a way that has often seemed agonizingly embarrassing to entice it back to the disastrous 2015 “JCPOA” nuclear deal of the Obama Administration. Mercifully those efforts did not succeed: the new deal would still most likely have enabled …

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IntelBrief: Special Delivery: With Long-Range Missiles Secured, Are Fighter Jets Next for Ukraine?

Long denied by Western allies, Ukraine has received a new long-range missile system from the United Kingdom, which is working with the Netherlands to procure F-16s on Ukraine’s behalf. The Storm Shadow cruise missile’s 300-kilometer range enables Ukraine to strike deep into Russian-controlled territory, placing the Russian Black Sea fleet’s …

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Why was there unrest in the North of Kosovo and how does North Mitrovica differ from other municipalities?

With police brutality in the form of truncheons and spraying of tear gas in the eyes, the newly elected mayors of three municipalities in the northern part of Kosovo entered the buildings where they are supposed to establish their offices. Zubin Potok, Leposavić, Zvečan were the scene of unrest on …

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