
Malicious Attacks on Veterans’ Benefits

There is something uniquely despicable about a Democratic strategy in Congress that would turn the urgent need to cut waste in President Joe Biden’s proposed $6 trillion dollar budget into a political weapon by accusing the Republicans of seeking to cut veterans’ benefits. Let us start with the premise that …

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Iran Says Ready To Arm Syria With Advanced Weapons

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said Tehran is prepared to equip the Syrian military forces with sophisticated weapons and open “strategic defense gear” factories in the Arab country. The Iranian defense minister, who was accompanying the Iranian president during a visit to Syria last week, held a …

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US Banking Crisis In A New Stage Of Contagion? – OpEd

In view of the Fed, American banking crisis is over. Yet, US and European banks face the most acute stress since 2008 and 2011, respectively. Global economy is exposed to new headwinds. Last week, as the Federal Reserve pushed ahead with its 10th rate hike since last March, its chairman …

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Fighting Rages In Bakhmut As Momentum Builds For Ukraine’s Counteroffensive – Analysis

Along the northern flank of Ukrainian-controlled territory on the outskirts of the eastern city of Bakhmut, tank crews from the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade are waiting for the ground to dry up so they can begin a long-anticipated counteroffensive against Russian forces. The tank operators continue to support Ukrainian infantry …

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We Must Speak Up Before The Propagandists Get Their War With China – OpEd

In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was held in New York City, followed by another two years later. They called on ‘the hundreds of poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, short story writers and journalists’ to discuss the ‘rapid crumbling of capitalism’ and the beckoning of another war. They were electric …

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Harold James: As long as Putinism is seen as a viable alternative to liberalism and democracy, it will destabilize the entire world.

Ukraine has little chance of achieving economic (and democratic) development with an angry and vengeful neighbor spreading disinformation and nurturing discontent and violence, Harold James, a professor of history and international relations at Princeton University, told Project Syndicate in an interview. As long as Putinism is seen as a viable …

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The Lesson Of Iran’s Uprising – OpEd

Introduction Seven months after the start of the nationwide uprising in Iran, there can be no doubt about the Iranian people’s deep-seated discontent toward the current theocratic regime that has ruled the country for four decades. The protests have brought to the surface the profound frustration and rage that has …

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North Macedonia: In Anticipation Of The Biggest Security-Intelligence Attack – Analysis

After the establishment of Zoran Zaev’s (SDSM) Government in 2017 the Republic of North Macedonia managed to achieve historic successes. In addition to the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighbourliness and Cooperation with the Republic of. Bulgaria, the law on improvement of the use of languages of other ethnic …

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Geopolitics Still Engulfs Black Sea Grain Initiative – OpEd

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has taken steps for the extension, improvement and expansion of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, but Russia authorities explicitly indicated that it would unlikely to participate in the deal due to the fact that its conditions were not respected and taken into consideration. “I …

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China’s support may not be ‘lethal aid,’ but it’s vital to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine

It’s the conventional wisdom in Washington and in most European capitals: China is only providing limited support to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In Beijing, meanwhile, officials attempt to portray neutrality, emphasizing that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is not providing weapons to Russia. As PRC leader Xi Jinping told Ukrainian President …

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