Washington’s theft of Syrian oil has the intended goal of funding the de-facto Kurdish administration of northeast Syria US occupation troops in Syria smuggled a new shipment of stolen oil from the resource-rich Jazira region to their bases in Iraq on 10 July with the help of their Kurdish proxy …
Read More »Oil, politics, and sovereignty: The Iraq-Turkiye legal dispute
Despite Turkiye’s professed support for Iraq’s sovereignty, its actions, including nine years of illegal oil imports from Kurdistan, reveal quite the opposite, with the repercussions now affecting global oil supply. In a joint press conference held in 2019 at Turkiye’s Presidential Complex in Ankara, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his …
Read More »India’s foreign policy dilemma: Counter or cooperate with China?
New Delhi’s inclination towards the Atlanticist core contradicts its position as a self-reliant economic and military force, and hinders its aspirations for Eurasian integration through collaboration with China and Russia. In an era marked by shifting geopolitical dynamics and strategic realignments, India’s evolving role as a “supplying and maintenance agent” …
Read More »MbS to Blinken: ‘No’ to Israeli normalization, ‘yes’ to Syrian reconciliation
In his interview with CNN on 9 July, US President Joe Biden announced that “we are still far away” from reaching agreements to normalize Saudi-Israeli relations, establish a Saudi civilian nuclear program, and a Washington guarantee for Saudi security. What Biden revealed was based primarily on his feedback from a …
Read More »U.S. Soldiers Don’t Belong in Ukraine
So how many American soldiers fight in Ukraine? The Biden bunch is careful not to reveal or refer to their presence, mercenary or otherwise, but the question keeps coming to mind. It popped up again June 27, when Russia bombed what the Ukraine press called simply a restaurant in Kramatorsk. …
Read More »NATO Summit Produces Signs Of A Sea Change For Turkey – OpEd
At the NATO Summit that was held last week in Vilnius, the capital of the Baltic state of Lithuania, the agenda was dominated by the Ukraine war and Sweden’s bid to join the alliance. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan surprised NATO by announcing before his departure for Vilnius that he …
Read More »The Exit Strategy For Europe From The American Plan Of War In Ukraine – OpEd
On February 24, 2022, Russia recognized the independence of the breakaway regions of Luhansk and Donetsk and deployed troops to support them, declaring the start of “special military operations in Ukraine”. This raises the question: under what circumstances could the conflict in Ukraine spiral into a global crisis and turn …
Read More »NATO’s Vilnius Summit: Hints Of A New Cold War – Analysis
The Vilnius Summit, convened by the NATO Heads of State and Government on July 11-12, 2023, concluded with the release of an extensive communiqué. This document distinguishes itself from a typical summit declaration, serving instead as a strategic roadmap that outlines NATO’s future direction in an ever-evolving world order. The …
Read More »La Russie accélère la dé-dollarisation alors qu’elle envisage un règlement dans les monnaies de l’ASEAN
Il s’agit donc d’un éditorial de ce tabloïde officiel de la Chine mais qui s’exprime de manière directe, une façon comme les manœuvres navales conjointes entre la Russie et la Chine de signaler que les États-Unis ne sont plus en état d’imposer leur ordre du monde et qu’il faut qu’ils …
Read More »La CIA fuit comme une passoire et accuse l’Ukraine d’être la cause de la débâcle imminente
Je tiens à remercier l’un de mes lecteurs, Paul S., qui m’a signalé cet article de Newsweek remarquable et hilarant, écrit par Bill Arkin, qui est un exemple classique de la façon dont la CIA a jeté l’Ukraine sous le bus et a évité d’être tenue pour responsable du désastre …
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