

Importance of Turkish Stream for the Turkish Fuel and Energy Complex The decision of the Russian Federation to abandon the South Stream project and reorient itself to supplying natural gas to European consumers through Turkey (the so-called Turkish Stream) was truly epoch-making in terms of geopolitics and geostrategy and recognized …

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Rimland or “coastal zone” is the main point of collision of geopolitical forces. For the geopolitics of the Sea, the ability to deter the forces of the Land from their presence in the coastal zone of the Rimland is of primary importance. Since its founding in 1949, the NATO alliance …

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The Pentagon is preparing for protracted conflicts.On February 10, 2023, the United States Armed Forces Joint Competition Concept was released . The document was issued under the auspices of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and signed by its chairman, General Mark Milley. It belongs to the field of doctrines and …

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At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, 16 states were members of NATO . These are 12 countries that signed the North Atlantic Treaty on the creation of the bloc in 1949 – Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, …

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All along the stretch from the Baltic to the Black Sea, the alliance deploys strike battle groups. “Sea Shield-2023” against the backdrop of a provocation It is noteworthy that the attack of sea drones on Sevastopol was carried out during the Sea Shield-2023 exercises, which are taking place off the …

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Will America Continue To Act As The World’s Policeman? – OpEd

Back in the 1990s, if there was such a thing as the world’s policeman, then it was the US. This was the American moment, not least in the Middle East. The Soviet Union had collapsed, Russia was in crisis and the sleeping dragon of China was only just awakening. The …

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Bitcoin And Geopolitical Rivalry – Analysis

Bitcoin, the flagship stateless cryptocurrency, is a double-edged sword that can either strengthen or harm national power. As financial warfare becomes increasingly complex, this decentralized cybercurrency is acting as a versatile strategic instrument of statecraft that can play various roles under confrontational geopolitical circumstances. This under-researched subject matter needs to …

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Oil Geopolitics: Revisiting Petrodollar Recycling – Analysis

Global economic growth and prosperity in the last two centuries were fuelled largely by fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Oil, in particular, became fuel for defending national security, promoting economic activity and sustaining global trade after the First World War. Academic narratives such as ‘peak oil’ and ‘energy …

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The complex web of interdependence and threat balancing that prevents war between Iran and Azerbaijan

Relations between Tehran and Baku have long had their ups and downs, but a recent series of events in late March, including the opening of the Republic of Azerbaijan’s embassy in Tel Aviv, an assassination attempt against an Azerbaijani MP in Baku, and the Azerbaijani government’s harsh denunciation of comments …

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L’expansionnisme de l’OTAN en Scandinavie aide les États-Unis, mais place la Finlande en ligne de mire

Il est évident que l’OTAN a toujours été une extension auxiliaire des États-Unis. C’est le cas depuis la création malheureuse de cette alliance belliqueuse il y a 74 ans. Ainsi, l’agression rampante de l’OTAN doit toujours être observée dans la perspective de l’expansionnisme des États-Unis, puisque la thalassocratie belliqueuse ne …

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