
From Oslo to Sharm el-Sheik

A long arduous and thorny road to nowhere. This mad journey was started back in 1974, during the Arab summit in Rabat, Morocco, where the Arab league took it upon itself to elect the Palestine Liberation Organisation as our sole representative. It was a fait accompli. The Palestinian nation was …

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Serbia Shall Never Forget NATO Aggression, Vows Serb President

Serbians could only forget the aggression unleashed by the U.S.-led NATO in 1999 if their country ceases to exist, President Aleksandar Vucic warned on Friday. He was marking the 24th anniversary of the military bloc’s bombing campaign of the then Yugoslavia. Media reports said: Vucic added that the U.S. and …

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Why Avoiding Catastrophic War is the Biggest Priority Today

For most of human history justice and peace have been the biggest concerns, the most important issues determining welfare and safety of our world. Those who understood this, and they were always a thoughtful and honest minority, therefore decided to work for justice and peace. The most thoughtful among them …

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Multipolarity was triggered by the 2003 US invasion of Iraq

Twenty years after the unlawful and destabilizing US-led invasion of Iraq, Washington must face the ultimate consequence of that war: UNSC powers China and Russia laying the foundation for a genuine, UN Charter-based system of multipolarism. On the night of 19-20 March, 2003, the US air force began bombing the …

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Tyranny on the waters: The UAE-Israeli occupation of Yemen’s Socotra Island

The transformation of Yemen’s strategically-located Socotra Island into an Emirati-Israeli military intelligence hub has raised concerns for the Ansarallah movement and its allies, significantly increasing the geopolitical stakes of the Yemen war. Located off the southern coast of Yemen in the Arabian Sea, the Socotra archipelago has become a focal …

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Blood and oil: why Saudi Arabia will be bombed until the siege on Yemen is lifted

Riyadh refused Washington’s pressure to increase oil production, then faced blistering attacks on its oil facilities and infrastructure from Yemen. Under increasing pressure to end its siege on Yemen, what will the Saudis do? Overshadowed by events in Ukraine and elsewhere, the devastating war in Yemen is now in its …

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Iran Warns Of Reaction To Strike On Bases In Syria

A security official warned that Iran will give a prompt response to any pretext for an attack on the bases inside Syria established at the Damascus government’s request for the purpose of fighting terrorism. Keivan Khosravi, spokesman for Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, issued the warning on Saturday after American …

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Iran and the Changing of Course!

Perhaps a more interesting sign has come with the purges carried among security forces with some of the more hardline officers moved aside or sent into early retirement. If there is indeed a change of course, the most important part of the scheme is the prospect of normalization with Saudi …

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The Real Reason China is Arming Russia in Ukraine

Just as Iran has used Ukraine’s brutal war to test the effectiveness of its drone and missile technology, so China’s emerging industrial-military complex is reportedly looking for opportunities to conduct a rigorous evaluation of its new weapons systems; Chinese arms manufacturers are reportedly keen to test the effectiveness of their …

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Janjić: The brutal reality remains – there is no sovereignty of Serbia in Kosovo

With the Brussels and Ohrid agreements, the resolution of the Kosovo problem has been returned to the normalization track that leads only in one direction, stated in the FoNet interview the president of the Forum for Ethnic Relations, Dušan Janjić, who thinks that the most realistic and responsible thing would …

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