
What history shows: How will the war in Ukraine end?

Despite Ukraine’s gains against Russia, experts believe a frozen conflict or painful truce is most likely. Here is why. The war in Ukraine conjures up a strong sense of historical déjà vu. Though recorded in 21st-century fashion through up-close-and-personal shots from mobile phone cameras and high-definition drone footage, the images …

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Four facts about Serbian-Russian relations: Has Russia always been our friend?

Propaganda techniques aimed at shaping the perception of citizens also include the concealment of facts that do not support that propaganda. In this text Demostatus reflects on some of such historical truths. The majority of Serbian citizens perceive Russia as a friendly country that stood by the Serbian people in …

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An Enduring Challenge: ISIS-linked Foreigners in Türkiye

What’s new? Thousands of foreign nationals who joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq have crossed into Türkiye. Some have been deported. Others have stayed, with some still facing trial for terrorism-related charges and others nearing the end of their prison sentences. Their presence creates a humanitarian and security challenge for Türkiye, …

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The Complex Interplay Between Globalization And Terrorism: Analysis Of Relationship And Implications For Security Studies

Introduction Globalization has now covered the entire globe, extending and occurring on the most significant national and international agendas. The process of globalization contains tremendous improvements amongst nations throughout the world, such as technical, economic, cultural, and scientific advancements, but it is also viewed as a danger by many countries. …

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The Devastation Of War And The G-20 Summit – OpEd

The last world war brought the world to the brink of destruction. At that time, the world leadership of the time came forward to return to the path of peace. Today, that responsibility has fallen on world leaders. Everyone has to play an active role in making the world peaceful, …

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Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Who Suffers? – OpEd

Mr President Zelensky: “You have got your country trapped into US led NATO proxy war against Russia without the West losing their soldiers. US and the NATO have categorically stated they will not send soldiers to fight in Ukraine. The longer this war continues, the more Ukrainians will flee their …

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Russia’s Complete Defeat Is Not In US’ Interest – OpEd

The United States 2022 national security document shows that the United States is planning for a new era in the world order. Great war competition has replaced war against terrorism. Despite accepting the fact that currently strategic competition with other great powers is the main challenge of the foreign and …

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Putin Financially Supported Promoting Racial Hatred Against Kazakhs Amongst Russians – Analysis

During the joint press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that took place on 28 February in Astana, Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tileuberdi was put in a situation where he had to clear things up on the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Kazakhstan. While answering the question, …

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Nord Stream Sabotage: The Evidence So Far – Analysis

The discovery On September 26, Swiss-based Nord Stream AG, the operator of the Nord Stream pipelines, informed Danish authorities of a pressure drop at Nordstream 2 landfalls in Russia and Germany. As early as 13:56 Danish local time, the national shipping authority (Søfartsstyrelsen) issued a navigational warning for a sea …

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The Treacherous Triangle Of Syria, Iran, And Russia – Analysis

Both Russia and Iran have deep, multifaceted, and long-standing connections to Syria. During the Cold War, Damascus emerged as the Soviet Union’s most loyal Middle Eastern ally, and the relationship regained vibrancy in the 2000s as Vladimir Putin strove to reestablish Moscow’s regional preeminence. Meanwhile, the 1979 Iranian revolution reversed …

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