
The true President of America’s Fifth Republic Obama, not Biden, is the nation’s new Lincoln

The fireworks in America this Fourth of July will be fuelled by the country’s imminent election, in which a convicted felon faces off against a doddering old man who is too senile to know that he isn’t really the President. The country’s elite would be glad if this were hyperbole; …

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The Dawn Of A New Era: The Role Of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization In Global Politics – OpEd

As the world witnesses the sunrise of a new era marked by significant economic shifts and emerging global political dynamics, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is poised to play a pivotal role. Understanding the SCO’s impact extends beyond a single column or article; it requires a comprehensive analysis of its …

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A Stronger NATO-EU Cooperation Against A ‘Permanent State Of Hybrid Warfare’ From Russia And Its Allies? The Special Case Of Energy Warfare – Analysis

The next NATO Summit will focus on Ukraine support and Allies defense spending, but military strategy always equals to ‘ends, ways, means’, meaning before the means you need to have clear ends and efficient ways. NATO has quite clear ends and improving means, but still lack efficient ways, to reach …

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Why Is Bulgaria’s Pro-Kremlin President Boycotting The NATO Summit? – Analysis

At a historic summit next week in Washington, NATO will be celebrating its 75th anniversary and strategizing how to further aid Ukraine against Russia’s full-scale invasion. Heads of state and government from the alliance’s 32 members — including Sweden, which just joined in March, and Finland, which joined in April …

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Pathogen Peril: Non-State Access To Bioweapons – Analysis

Biological warfare in modern events has always elicited a sharp reaction from authorities and civilians alike. However, those motivated by political power and justifying their approach to the same often are less affronted by biological weapons and their use. Global governance of biosecurityBiological warfare is considered a form of warfare …

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Spotlight on Iran

Acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri spoke with foreign ministers in the region andaround the world aiming to bring an end to the war in the Gaza Strip. He warned against thepossibility of an Israeli offensive initiative against Hezbollah, which would lead to an expansionof the war. Meanwhile, Iran is …

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War Fatigue in Central Europe is Spreading

Attitudes on the war paint a complex picture where existential security threats are twisted by domestic political dynamics, but a sense of weariness is becoming evident even in the region’s most pro-Ukrainian countries. Like Poland, Czechia has been one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters since the earliest days of the war. …

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Why none of these charlatans gets my vote Politics has been relegated to pantomime fodder

“We won’t change anything, but we’ll be less corrupt, look after your money better and not rip you off so much — at least in our first term.” This, essentially, is Labour’s message going into the election, and what passes as “idealism” within today’s modern polity. Politics in our broken …

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The end of the Conservatives Even the Right is praying for their destruction

Protestors brandish Nazi symbols in central London. “A group of people” riots in Sheffield. Rapists cannot be deported because “human rights”. The economy is flatlining. A third of young people would rather swap liberal democracy for a military rule or a strongman leader. Tory Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is concerned. …

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La guerre en Ukraine se terminera par une reddition

Orban assume la présidence de l’UE et son premier acte a été de rencontrer Zelensky comme il a souligné qu’obtenir la paix en Ukraine serait le grand souci de sa présidence. Comme nous le montrons aujourd’hui, l’occident global européen se trouve dans le sillage des USA et en pire confronté …

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