
„Na to nismo obraćali pažnju“: Zašto su 2008. srpski poslanici prisustvovali čitanju izjave o nezavisnosti u Skupštini Kosova?

Pre 20 godina Skupština Kosova usvojila je zajedničku izjavu šefova poslaničkih grupa Demokratskog saveza Kosova, Demokratske partije Kosova, Alijanse za budućnost Kosova i bošnjačke koalicije Vatan, kojom se podržava inicijativa 42 poslanika da parlament proglasi nezavisno Kosovo. Usvajanjem ove zajedničke izjave Nacrt deklaracije o nezavisnosti Kosova ušao je u redovnu …

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Russia needs Novorossiya

Russia needs Novorossiya and Malorossiya – at least the part of Malorossiya that is east of the Dnepr river. These parts are not “ukrainian”, they never were and they never will be! These parts are as genuinely russian as Moscow or St Peterburg but because of a historical mistake – …

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Eastern Europe In Political And Military Optics (II)

As early as 2023, Poland is has contracted to buy 50 Javelin LWCLU launchers, as well as about 500 FGM-148F Javelin missiles, as well as an additional training and logistics package. Other U.S. partners are also receiving weapons. Poland also bought K2 tanks and K9A1 howitzers from South Korea. According …

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Eastern Europe In Political And Military Optics (I)

In recent years, the Eastern European countries that have become members of NATO have shown excessive zeal in promoting Atlanticism, becoming more pro-American than the old guard from Western Europe. The logic can be explained not only by the desire to please the patron from Washington, but also by Halford …

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Ukraine: Vuhledar Battle Points To Major Russian Military Problems – Analysis

By one account, nearly three dozen Russian tanks and armored vehicles were reduced to smoldering rubble. By another, as many as 500 Russian troops may have been killed. Relatives of soldiers from one unit are frantically trading text messages and social-media posts trying to locate their loved ones. More than …

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Germany: Scholz Tells Western Allies To Deliver Tanks To Ukraine ‘Now’

Ukraine’s Western allies who can deliver battle tanks to Ukraine should do so right away, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Friday (17 February), cementing Berlin’s recent U-turn on the issue, but dampened Kyiv’s hopes for fighter jets or long-range missiles. “We will continue to strike a balance between providing …

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Russia Is Down, But Not Out, In Central Asia – Analysis

Russian President Vladimir Putin has long seen Central Asia as Russia’s “most stable region.” He has regularly exerted influence and political pressure over its leaders. However, after decades of stability, the last year has seen Russia’s influence in Central Asia deteriorate at an unprecedented pace. Putin’s view of Central Asia …

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Is Biden A ‘Manchurian President,’ Facilitating Nuclear Cooperation between Iran’s Mullahs and Russia?

The US Congress urgently needs to pass legislation introduced by the Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) that will “prohibit the Biden administration from waiving Congressional sanctions that prohibit cooperation on Iran’s nuclear program.”It is stunning that the Biden Administration is offering Iran’s mullahs sanction waivers for their nuclear program while the …

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NEWSMAKER Al Qaeda’s new leader Adel has $10 million bounty on his head

Seif al-Adel, a former Egyptian special forces officer who is a high-ranking member of al Qaeda with a $10 million U.S. bounty on his head, is now the “uncontested” leader of the militant group, according to a new U.N. report on the organisation. Al Qaeda has not formally named a …

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Explainer: How Iran’s Intelligence Agencies Work

What does Iran want from its intelligence agencies? What are their primary objectives? The primary mission of Iran’s intelligence agencies is to keep the Islamic regime in power. The Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Organization are the main intelligence agencies. Their …

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