
In Ukraine, Russia is Beginning to Compound Advantages

By stretching Ukrainian forces along a wide front, Russia is overcoming the limitations of its undertrained army. Russia has now started the early phases of its anticipated summer offensive with renewed attacks on Kharkiv. Over the past few days, Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border, occupying a number of villages. …

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How Entanglement with China Erodes Germany’s Strategic Autonomy

Strategic blindness in Germany’s approach to China has led to mounting costs in terms of national sovereignty, economic independence and civil liberties. Disentangling from Beijing will not be easy, but the benefits will outweigh any short-term difficulties. German Chancellor Scholz’s recent visit to China has been widely met with derision. …

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Crossroads in Idlib: HTS navigating internal divisions amid popular discontent

As the world focuses on Israel’s war in Gaza, northwest Syria is undergoing a significant political upheaval that could lead to major instability. For the last three months, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an armed Sunni Islamist group that governs more 4.5 million people in the Idlib region, has been facing …

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Riyadh and Tehran use OIC to mend ties, but its sway is limited

A year after the restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the two countries are working to ease regional tensions in the Middle East in exchange for promises of improved bilateral cooperation. But strains persist in the relationship between Riyadh and Tehran, and the two capitals are using …

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Is It Possible to Destroy Hamas? Experts Weigh in as US Rhetoric Shifts

Amid a shift in rhetoric among US officials regarding Israel’s ability to destroy Hamas, there has been growing uncertainty about whether that war aim is feasible. According to experts who spoke with The Algemeiner, Israel can remove the Palestinian terrorist group from power in Gaza, although efforts by the Biden …

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New Russian Offensive Stretches Ukrainian Forces, Possibly To The Breaking Point – Analysis

Ukrainian civilians evacuated from border regions with Russia. An important east-west highway in the eastern Donetsk region threatened by encroaching Russian forces. A village captured by Ukraine during last year’s counteroffensive about to return to Russian control. Ukraine’s president cancels all foreign trips. The news from Ukraine’s battlefield these days …

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Syria Today – Why was Mohammad Reza Zahedi in Damascus?

A new report from Iran International said that the top commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Zahedi, was killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Syria on April 1. Zahedi, who was trying to evade Israeli targeting, had travelled from Tehran to Damascus …

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Belarus to Send Troops, Jordanian Airstrike on Southern Syria; Syrian Student Arrested in Ohio

AP reported that Belarus plans to deploy up to 200 troops to Syria to serve alongside Russian forces in the country, according to a Russian government document released Monday, a move strongly condemned by Belarus’ opposition leader. A draft agreement between Russia and its ally Belarus endorsed by Russian Prime …

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Julani Security Forcibly Disperses Protesters in Idlib

On May 13, protesters established a sit-in tent outside the military court building in Idlib, calling for the release of detainees. Members of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) dispersed the gathering in a protest tent in the center of Idlib City, using force and batons amidst gunfire. Enab Baladi’s correspondent in …

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The Ideological Coup: How Disciples of Kahane Became the New Face of Israel

Throughout history, fringe religious Zionist parties have had limited success in achieving the kind of electoral victories that would allow them an actual share in the country’s political decision-making. The impressive number of 17 seats won by Israel’s extremist religious party, Shas, in the 1999 elections, was a watershed moment …

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