
How Russia Decides to Go Nuclear

Deciphering the Way Moscow Handles Its Ultimate Weapon Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine last February, there has been a near-constant debate about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear arsenal—and what he might do with it. The United States has repeatedly warned that a flustered Russia may actually be willing to use …

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Iran’s Hard-Liners Are Winning

How Months of Protest Forged an Even More Intransigent Regime Over the past five months, a wave of protests has rocked Iran. Young women calling for an end to the compulsory headscarf have been joined by students, laborers, and professionals demanding individual rights, political reform—and even, increasingly, an end to …

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Šta je “sveti” Sava govorio o islamu i poslaniku Muhammedu

Ko je bio “sveti” Sava?: “Sveti” Sava ili po rođenju Rastko Nemanjić bio je najmlađi sin začetnika dinastije Nemanjića i brat prvog srpskog kralja, Stefana… …Stefana je krunisao i pokatoličio rimski papa Honorije III 1217. godine. Tome se usprotivio sam Sava kao i veliki dio svećenstva, jer je Sava nastojao …

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Šemsudin Mehmedović smatra da u Srbiji i RS-u treba formirati zajednicu bošnjačkih općina

Insistiranje međunarodne zajednice na formiranju Zajednice srpskih opština na Kosovu je otvorilo temu formiranja zajednice Bošnjaka, kako na Kosovu i Srbiji, tako i u Republici Srpskoj SDA-ov parlamentarac Šemsudin Mehmedović je pozvao na jednu takvu inicijativu. “Pozivam na Inicijativu za usklađivanje statusa Bošnjaka u regionu sa dostignutim statusom Srba u …

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Rumunski lekari ne pomišljaju na odlazak u Nemačku

Model rumunskog zdravstva zbog kojeg njihovi lekari ne pomišljaju na odlazak u Nemačku “Nismo mi Evropska unija, pa da možemo da plaćamo zdravstvene radnike kao Rumuni” kaže za dr Mirsad Đerlek, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu zdravlja, koji je najavio nove pravilnike po kojima će se vrednovati angažovanje hirurga i …

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Vučići i orlići

„Spremi smo da prihvatimo koncept i da radimo na implementaciji predloženog sporazuma“, doslovno je izjavio predsednik Srbije 20. januara. Ako imamo u vidu da je ovo izjavio, a njegova reč vredi više od nečije zakletve, onda je sasvim jasno čemu je bila upriličena predstava u Skupštini Srbije. Akcija – Spasi …

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The terrorism pretext: US-ISIS-Kurdish nexus preserves occupation of Syria

It’s getting harder to ignore. The persistent ISIS presence in the Syrian desert only serves US aims to continue its military occupation and support for Kurdish separatism. In March 2019, former US President Donald Trump startled Washington’s war establishment by announcing that the mission of “eliminating terrorism” had been accomplished …

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Indian refiners purchase Russian crude in Emirati currency: Report

India has disregarded pressure imposed by western nations, and continues to engage in trade and energy cooperation with Russia Indian oil refiners have started purchasing the majority of their Russian oil via UAE-based traders using dirhams, the Gulf state’s currency, instead of the US dollar, a number of informed sources …

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Why was British ISIS member ‘Jihadi George’ tried in a US court?

The decision to try one of the so-called “Beatles” ISIS members in the US was to conceal his previous links to British intelligence and his role in their regime-change efforts in Syria. In January 2023, reports emerged that Alexanda Kotey, known as “Jihadi George” and one of the four British …

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Iraq’s Silk Road: Port and canal project set to transform Baghdad’s geopolitical clout

“Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade and the global economy. Over 80 percent of the volume of international trade in goods is carried by sea,” according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Coastal nations have varying degrees of economic importance based on their geographic …

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