
Rétablir la vérité : Ce que vous devez savoir sur l’Ukraine

Le 16 février 2022, une semaine entière avant que Poutine n’envoie des troupes de combat en Ukraine, l’armée ukrainienne a commencé à bombarder lourdement la zone (dans l’est de l’Ukraine) occupée principalement par des Russes ethniques. Des représentants de la mission d’observation de l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération …

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Armes à l’Ukraine, réindustrialisation des États-Unis et désertification de l’Europe

Le 20 janvier, les 40 pays réunis sur la base de l’OTAN à Ramstein ont défini la quantité et le type de systèmes d’armes à fournir à l’Ukraine. Plus précisément, les États-Unis se sont engagés à livrer des systèmes mobiles Avenger, des véhicules à roues Stryker, Mrap et Hummer, des …

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Syria Today – Sanctions Hinder Lebanon Gas Deal, Bus Attack in Damascus, Kurds Fear Invasion

While sanctions continue to hinder the implementation of the gas deal involving Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan, a bus bombing in Damascus wounded 15 police officers. Kurds in Syria also fear a military invasion of the country’s Northeast by Turkey in march. Regional power plan for Lebanon held up over …

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Kurdish National Council Criticizes “Silencing” of its Members in Eastern Syria

The council announced the kidnapping on Saturday of one of its activists, according to Shaam News. The Kurdish National Council in Syria condemned acts that contradict all human values and human rights, which fall within the framework of the policy of silencing voices, preventing freedom of political action, and restricting …

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Syria Today – Turkey to Reopen M4, Attack on Regime Bus, ISIS Targets SDF

The Turkish intelligence is trying to reopen the M4 highway in a meeting in Idleb with HTS and the Turkish-backed factions. Meanwhile, ISIS has killed several members of the SDF and the Syrian army, and 15 security service members are injured in an attack with an IED. The IDF says …

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SDF Trying to Circumvent U.S. Plan to Hand Over Borders with Turkey to Arabs

The U.S. Envoy to NE Syria met with Arab tribal leaders in the governorates of Hassakeh and Raqqa, according to Orient Net. The recent visit of U.S. State Envoy Nicholas Granger to northeastern Syria, accompanied by intense meetings with political, tribal, and military parties, has strengthened the belief that the …

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Tehran and Moscow Announce Support for Damascus-Ankara Rapprochement Within “Quartet” Framework

Diplomatic sources in Ankara confirmed to Al-Watan that Moscow is trying to arrange a meeting between the Syrian and Turkish foreign ministers. Russian mediation, alongside Iran, has been active in recent days to bring the views between Damascus and Ankara closer. The mediation’s aim has been to expedite diplomatic talks …

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Transparency Concerns over Tony and Cherie Blair’s Balkan Endeavours

Cherie Blair’s law firm has made hundreds of thousands of euros representing governments in Albania and Serbia, which have also been advised by Tony Blair’s consultancy. Villa 30 in Tirana’s high-end Blloku neighborhood has a a dark past as the place where Albanian former communist Prime Minister Mehmet Shehu – …

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Held Without Rhyme or Reason: Poland’s Detention System for Migrants Labeled a Farce

Inhumane and traumatising, Polish detention camps don’t even pretend to control irregular migration. After spending months in these high-security facilities, thousands simply continue their journey on to Western Europe. Now in her fourth month in a Polish detention camp for people who have entered the country illegally, Rosa, a young …

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Democracy Digest: Huge Military Layoffs in Hungary Spark Talk Of a ‘Purge’

Elsewhere, the Czech presidential run-off looks to be going Pavel’s way; Polish Leopard tanks are finally on their way to Ukraine; and a Slovak referendum on shortening parliamentary term fails but the country will still get snap elections. Arecently issued government decree that allows the defence minister to dismiss high-ranking …

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