
How China became the world’s leading exporter of combat drones

Cheap, ‘good enough’ Chinese armed drones dominating world market due to US export controls, analysts say. From Saudi Arabia to Myanmar and Iraq to Ethiopia, more and more militaries are stockpiling Chinese combat drones and deploying them on the battlefield. In Yemen, a Saudi-led coalition has dispatched the Chinese aircraft, …

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Kako bi izgledala Srbija bez evropske podrške?

„Ukidanje bezviznog režima meni bi značilo da je rejting zemlje u padu i da se udaljavamo od Evropske unije“, rekao je za Radio Slobodna Evropa (RSE) Beograđanin Vladimir Tripić. Da je pred Srbiju bila stavljena mogućnost ukidanja bezviznog režima, ali i zaustavljanja evropskih integracija i investicija objavio je građanima predsednik …

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Hoće li Moskva mirno da sedi i gleda kako Vučić „igra po pravilima Zapada“?

Od petka kada je Vučić razgovarao sa izaslanicima SAD, EU i tri najveće zemlje Unije Nemačke, Francuske i Italije, izostao je, bar javno, uobičajeni susret sa ruskim ambasadorom Aleksandrom Bocan-Harčenkom, ali ne treba sumnjati da je ambasador na ovaj ili onaj način odavno informisan o zahtevima Zapada, moguće i daljim …

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What if Turkey blocks Finland and Sweden NATO bids?

Many believe Ankara can be mollified — at a cost — but rejection of the Nordic countries’ ascension remains a real possibility. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is set to meet his U.S. counterpart Antony Blinken in Washington this week. There are scant expectations among observers that the visit will …

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Iraq, Afghanistan provide lessons on US weapons flows

While not analogous to Ukraine, recent American combat experiences can be informative as we consider sending advanced systems to Kyiv. There are a host of reasons, backed by historical examples, why sending more and more advanced weapons into Ukraine will not be a panacea. In fact, sending them might boomerang …

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Mission Creep? How the US role in Ukraine has slowly escalated

The Biden team has quietly blown past red lines of involvement. The question now, is how far is it willing to go. When the United States involves itself militarily in a conflict, it often finds it hard to get itself out, let alone avoid deep entanglements that blow well past …

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Sisi discusses with CIA director ways to boost security and intelligence cooperation

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi discussed with US Central Intelligence Agency director William Burns in Cairo on Monday the ways to boost security and intelligence cooperation between the two countries. According to the Egyptian Presidency, El-Sisi and Burns also exchanged views about the recent developments in several international and regional issues of …

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Ankara conveys condemnation to Dutch envoy after Quran desecration

The Foreign Ministry on Tuesday summoned the Dutch envoy in Türkiye’s capital Ankara after the leader of an Islamophobic far-right group desecrated Islam’s holy book, the Quran, the second such instance that took place in Western Europe this week that threatens to deepen the strain with the broader Muslim world. …

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Iran and Russia: from “Oil-for-Goods Swap” to “Oil-Gas Swap”

Recent agreements between Tehran and Moscow on an oil-gas swap is another sign of Russia’s turn towards Asian oil and gas markets and closer relations between the two countries in light of Russia’s war in Ukraine. If these agreements are finalized, Iran will import 20 billion cubic meters (bcm) of …

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Da li je vlast dužna da raspiše referendum ako potpiše evropski predlog za rešenje kosovskog pitanja?

Ako bi se raspisivao ikakav referendum u vezi sa Kosovom, u trenutnoj situaciji mogla bi se imati u vidu dva moguća scenarija – kaže za Danas Vesna Rakić Vodinelić, profesorka prava. Kako dodaje, u slučaju da dođe do potpisivanja takozvanog francusko – nemačkog predloga koji je objavio „Danas“ i ako …

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