
Zašto Vučić ne želi da otkrije gde je novo nalazište zlata u Srbiji: Ministarka Đedović tvrdi da i ona zna gde je

Gde je tačno na teritoriji Srbije locirano novootkriveno nalazište zlata, koje po rečima predsednika Aleksandra Vučića spada u “100 najvećih u svetu”, informacija je koju nadležni u ovom trenutku ne žele da podele sa javnošću, a ono što se pouzdano može zaključiti je da će taj rudnik eksploatisati strana kompanija …

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What’s stopping German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine?

Ukraine has urged Germany to provide the stealth battle tanks but NATO allies have failed to agree on the transfer amid Russian threats. Germany is under intense pressure to provide Ukraine with its Leopard 2 tanks, which could have a significant impact against the Russian invasion. European allies have already …

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Službeni glasnici

Čitaoci mekšeg srca neka drže maramice na dohvat ruke, jer ovo je dirljiva priča o tome kako samohrane majke i penzioneri u Srbiji rade po tri posla. Doduše ne da bi preživeli u nemilosrdnom kapitalističkom društvu, nego jer smo tanki sa kadrovima, ali ovi malobrojni ipak sve postižu jer su …

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Schmidt poput nemuštog i defanzivnog prosječnog advokata – Strik: “Jako sam razočarana Schmidtom”

Tineke Strik: “Rekla sam mu da ne razumijem njegovu strategiju, zašto je jednostrano popustio pred zahtjevima HDZ-a“ “Razmjena mišljenja sa Schmidtom je bila prilično razočaravajuća jer se činilo da nema razumijevanja za razloge zbog kojih je kritiziran”, saopćila je Tineke Strik. Ova poslanica Evrppskog parlamenta iz Holandije (Zeleni), koja je …

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Peach: Rusija želi rat na zapadnom Balkanu. Nećemo to dopustiti

Sir Stuart Peach: “Vidio sam da su premijer Plenković i predsjednik Srbije Vučić ovih dana poduzeli važne korake prema poboljšanju odnosa dviju država.” “Zajedno s ostatkom međunarodne zajednice, iskreno se nadam da će lideri dviju zemalja pokazati da su istinski državnici…” “Živo se sjećam ratova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, godina borbi …

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Ré-initialisation du monde à Davos contre spiritualité : La lutte finale ?

« Il faut prendre l’argent aux pauvres, d’accord, ils ne sont pas riches, mais ils sont nombreux. » (Alphonse Allais) « Quand les blancs sont venus en Afrique, nous avions la terre et ils avaient la Bible. Ils nous ont demandé de prier avec les yeux fermés ; quand nous …

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OPEC Fund raises $1 billion via sustainability bond

Gulf states in the organization are showing increasing interest in funding projects related to the environment, renewable energy and green technology. The OPEC Fund for International Development announced Friday that it raised $1 billion via a bond. The OPEC Fund offered the bond for sale on Wednesday, and this is …

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EU rolls out new Iran sanctions but does not designate IRGC as terrorists

European foreign ministers have added 37 names to the list of Iranian individuals and entities subject to sanctions, but did not call for designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terrorist group. European Foreign Ministers agreed Monday on a fourth round of sanctions against 37 Iranian nationals and entities over …

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Iraq’s government struggles to control US dollar price

The Iraqi economy is suffering from the US dollar’s rise as a result of smuggling dollars outside of Iraq. As Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani entered Basra Stadium on Thursday to attend the final game of the 25th Arabian Gulf Cup, hundreds of Iraqis chanted, “Bring the dollar price down.” …

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Fleeing repression, Iran’s Kurdish activists struggle to find refuge in Iraq

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq has become a key escape route for an unknown number of Iranian Kurds fleeing brutal repression and torture in Iran, but most fail to find security and stability in Iraq. Since his release from an Iranian prison a month ago, Kayvan Samadi has been hiding …

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