
Abramovich Had Secret Partnership with Kremlin in a Major Forestry Company

Lawyers for Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich argue he should not be sanctioned because his ties to the Kremlin are weak… …but new documents reveal he secretly had a years-long partnership with the Russian government in a forestry venture. Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich was a direct partner of the Russian government …

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Sweden must extradite terrorists if wants to join NATO: Türkiye

If the Swedish government fails to take action on ongoing terrorist PKK/PYD propaganda, the tension in ties may grow, says Turkish President Erdogan Türkiye on Sunday criticized Sweden along with other European states over tolerating a continuing terrorist presence, as the country’s president said the extradition of terrorists is a …

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2023 Kosovo: Implementation of Brussels and Washington agreements

Implementation of Brussels and Washington agreements – Path to Enduring Peace and Long-term Stability The latest developments in the north of Kosovo are reminiscent of the events from the nineties of the past century and threaten to escalate into conflict. Over the past several years there was a noticeable absence …

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Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini u centralnoj Evropi – CEFTA – Region je propustio šansu dobijenu 2006. Ekonomski potencijal, koji je taj ugovor ponudio pre svega državama Zapadnog Balkana, nije ni najmanje iskorišćen Zoran Vuletić, Predsednik Građanskog demokratskog foruma (GDF). Foto: crnogorskiportal.meRumunija i Bugarska su vrlo brzo ušle u EU, već …

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Esad Duraković: Ponovo sam aktivirao ideju da se održi svebosanski sabor

Akademik Duraković: BiH u kritičnom trenutku, političari nemaju državnu svijest ali moraju očuvati državnost BiH Akademik Esad Duraković ponovo je uputio javni poziv na organiziranje svebosanskog sabora s obzirom na kritični trenutak u kojem se nalazi Bosna i Hercegovina. „Ponovo sam aktivirao tu ideju da se održi svebosanski sabor gdje …

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Profesor Vahidin Preljević: Njegova (Dodikova) misija je da dovrši posao i podijeli Bosnu i Hercegovinu! Vahidin Preljević, profesor na Filozofskom fakultetu u Sarajevu često komentarima na društvenim mrežama demaskira dnevnopolitička pitanja. Današnjim komentarom poručuje da Milorad Dodik, predsjednik entiteta Rs i lider SNSD-a, zapravo najviše podsjeća na Slobodana Miloševića. “Jedan …

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Protić: Aktuelna vlast sebe, u ime Srbije, doživljava kao strano tkivo među državama iz susedstva

„Infantilan i nezreo čovek je predsednik“: Milan St. Protić o „usamljenom Vučiću“ u Davosu i potezima koji su zabrinjavajući Veliku pažnju u ovdašnjoj javnost izazvao je panel posvećen Zapadnom Balkanu u Davosu, ali ne toliko zbog ideja koje su iznete na samom sastanku, koliko zbog rasporeda sedenja. (Ne)očekivano u prvom …

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Turkey: Putin’s Open Door for Harming Western Interests

For Putin, Erdoğan’s friendship is growing ever more important — and vice versa. Turkey has refused to join Western sanctions against Russia over Ukraine, thereby throwing a lifeline to Putin. Turkish skies remain open to Russian airlines and its doors open to hundreds of thousands of Russians and their money. …

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Defense chiefs fail to resolve dispute on tanks for Ukraine

Ukraine will have to wait longer to find out if it will get advanced German-made battle tanks. A dispute over sending the tanks from Western allies to help Ukraine against Russia’s invasion played out both in public and private on Friday, as more than 50 defense leaders meeting in Germany …

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Réponse au général Yakovleff

Analyse et réponse ironique á l’interview du général Yakovleff sur Air et cosmos Comme le disait Sun Tzu : « Qui connaît l’autre et se connaît, en cent combats ne sera point défait ; qui ne connaît l’autre mais se connaît, sera vainqueur une fois sur deux ; qui ne …

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