
Occupation, Falsification Of History: Russians In Abkhazia (Georgia) – Analysis

Expulsion and extermination of the Georgians in the Northwest part of Western Georgia (Abkhazia) since 1992 are now accompanied by looting the remnant population and also, by archaeological looting, i.e. illicit removal of the artefacts from the archaeological sites. Next step is their incorrect interpretation. We are focused on the …

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Cyber Resilience: Delivering Through Disruption – Speech

Welcome everyone to the sixth annual Cybersecurity Workshop and Happy New Year. I am very pleased that we are back in person, hosting this important event at our head office in Washington, D.C. This comes after a gap of two years when the pandemic forced us to meet virtually only. …

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After Moscow Loses In Ukraine Regionalism In Russia Will Return In Even More Radical Forms – OpEd

Vadim Shtepa, whose book Interregnum (Petrozavodsk, 2012) introduced regionalism to a Russian audience and who edits the Tallinn-based regionalist portal Region.Expert, says that after Russia suffers defeat in its imperialist war in Ukraine, “regionalism in Russia will return and in even more radical forms than it took a decade ago.”  The regionalist says …

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The Rise Of Self-Hating Politicians – OpEd

Some politicians just hate politics. They get into the game in order to disrupt it. They have such a visceral hatred of governance that, like suicide bombers, they’ve smuggled themselves into government in order to blow it up from within. Much of the coverage of the multiple attempts to elect …

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Europe awakens to the threat of sabotage by Russian agents

Attacks on critical infrastructure from France to Denmark bear the hallmark of Russian operatives, experts say. Suspicion has fallen on Russia over a series of confirmed or apparent acts of sabotage and espionage that took place late last year in Western Europe, experts say, with European countries increasingly taking measures …

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Is crypto about to go extinct?

It will likely survive, but only after more firms and currencies crash and burn. Here’s why. As the Los Angeles Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in the championship game of the National Football League last February, an unlikely set of players made a splash off the field, in living rooms …

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The Islamist Plan to Conquer East Africa: U.S. Missing in Action

The most potent threat to East African stability remains Al-Shabaab, rooted in Somalia. Al-Qaeda helps to finance Al-Shabaab through its contacts across the Gulf of Aden in Yemen. Al-Shabaab’s threat to the American homeland should not be discounted: the group has explored possible scenarios of launching a 9/11 style assault …

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Biden’s Arms Package for Ukraine Is Long Overdue

In one of the more damning examples of his indecisive leadership, Biden has seemed to be more concerned about upsetting Russian President Vladimir Putin than confronting the Kremlin’s unprovoked act of aggression against its Ukrainian neighbour. It could even be argued that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would not have happened …

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La Bataille d’Ukraine de l’OTAN et l’occupation de l’Europe

Quand Stoltenberg réfute toute possibilité de normalisation à venir des relations avec la Russie, même après la fin du conflit en Ukraine, il ouvre les cartes de la véritable dimension de cette guerre et des intentions de l’Axe atlantiste : détruire la Russie pour permettre l’avènement de la globalisation, dans …

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L’ONG PATH : Des expériences de vaccination scandaleuses pour le profit de Bill Gates ?

PATH est une organisation non gouvernementale à peine perçue par le courant dominant et la population, mais qui brasse des millions ! Des fondations telles que la Fondation Bill & Melinda Gates et des entreprises pharmaceutiques renommées sont à l’origine de cette organisation. Quels sont les objectifs de PATH ? Pourquoi, par …

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