
„Fenomen Vučića je toliko prenaduvan“: Zašto predsednik napade na njega i Srbiju povezuje sa izborima u regionu?

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić izjavio je gostujući na televiziji Hepi da situacija za Srbiju jeste ozbiljna i da će ove godine biti dosta izbornih utakmica u regionu, „što će biti dobra prilika za nove napade na Srbiju“ i njega budući da zemlje u okruženju žele da vide Srbiju na kolenima …

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LINO VELJAK, PROFESOR ZAGREBAČKOG SVEUČILIŠTA, AKADEMIK: Režim u Moskvi strahuje od širenja demokratizacije na Rusiju

Nikome ko svoju legitimnost crpi iz dominacije osjećaja nacionalne ugroženosti ne odgovara nikakva normalizacija MONITOR: Postoji li u Hrvatskoj ozbiljna podjela kada se radi o odnosu prema ratu u Ukrajini – posebno kada se radi o načinima pomoći? VELJAK: Nije sasvim jasno u kojoj se mjeri sukob između aktualnog predsjednika …

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DR ESAD BAJTAL, FILOZOF I SOCIOLOG IZ SARAJEVA: Na balkanskoj i BiH sceni su dobro organizovane i uvezane krimi etno-bande

„Nacionalni interes“ na koji se toliko i pozerski naglašeno pozivaju (i za koji se tobože bore), u praksi završava kao puki interesni nacionalizam: isplati se biti nacionalista MONITOR: I ove godine je proslavljan protivustavni dan Republike Srpske. Ovog puta i uz dodjelu odlikovanja Vladimiru Putinu. Sem institucija BiH, reagovale su …

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Ukraine’s Consequences Are Finally Spreading to Syria

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is reverberating more than 1,000 miles away in Syria. Squeezed by its strategic blunder, Moscow’s shrinking strategic bandwidth and its diminished capacities in Syria have disrupted the conflict’s complex power dynamics, potentially imperiling the relative calm that has prevailed since March 2020 and undermining U.S. interests. …

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Laying the foundations for a settlement in Ukraine

Now that Kyiv is in a strong position to negotiate, the US must flex its diplomatic muscles to bring both sides to the table. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last February, the United States has strived for two primary objectives: to prevent Putin from re-subjugating the country and to put …

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How Europe Got Its Mojo Back

The EU Has Deftly Managed Inflation and the War in Ukraine More than three decades ago, U.S. President George H. W. Bush expressed a wish for a Europe both “whole and free.” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 made that unrealized vision more elusive. Russia’s …

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Davos 2023: Saudi Arabia ‘open’ to discuss trading in non-dollar currencies

Qatar also voiced support for Elon Musk’s leadership of Twitter at the annual forum in Davos, Switzerland. Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan said on Tuesday that the kingdom is open to trading in currencies aside from the US dollar in order to “improve trade.”  “There are no issues with discussing …

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Russia to expand private militaries in broader Middle East amid staffing crisis

As it wages a full-scale war in Ukraine, Russia wants to reform its army while being chronically short of security personnel, and increasingly dependent on mercenaries During the Syrian military campaign, the problems within the Russian army units were strictly visible to specialists. But in Ukraine, where Moscow and Kyiv …

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Will A Trillion Dollars Per Year Buy America A Better Defense? – Analysis

The Pentagon had a very merry Christmas but all the American taxpayers got was a lump of coal. The U.S. Congress passed an omnibus spending bill that awarded the Pentagon $45 billion more than originally requested – a record $816.7 billion dollars – out of $858 billion for the national defense establishment. …

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Eni Announces Gas Discovery In Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Offshore Egypt

Eni has announced a significant new gas discovery at the Nargis-1 exploration well located in Nargis Offshore Area Concession, in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, offshore Egypt. The Nargis-1 well has encountered approximately 200 net feet (61 m) of Miocene and Oligocene gas bearing sandstones and was drilled in 1,014 feet …

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