
In Responding To State, Russians Have Three Options: Submission, Protest Or Flight – OpEd

When the Kremlin makes demands on them as in the case of its war in Ukraine, Russians have three options – submission, protest or flight, Natalya Zubarevich says. The vast majority submit, a small and declining number protest, and the big question is how many more will choose flight. The …

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RIA Novosti: Prvi dobrovoljci iz Srbije počeli borbenu obuku u regionu Zaporožje (VIDEO)

Prvi srpski dobrovoljci u regionu Zaporožje počeli su da prolaze borbenu obuku u regionu u sklopu Dobrovoljačkog bataljona Sudoplatov, javila je agencija RIA Novosti. „Srpski dobrovoljci, zajedno sa borcima iz Rusije, učestvuju u svim borbenim vežbama na jednom od terena za obuku regiona Zaporožje za dalje učešće u specijalnoj vojnoj …

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Réinventer l’évolution via le transhumanisme. Utérus artificiels en batterie

Les futurs utérus artificiels seront alimentés aux énergies renouvelables. Les écologistes vont adorer. Les futurs utérus artificiels seront alimentés aux énergies renouvelables Les écologistes vont adorer — Docteur Laurent Alexandre (@dr_l_alexandre) December 12, 2022 Il y a quelques mois nous traitions la problématique de l’infertilité post-vaccinale. Et voilà …

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Schmidt za Oslobođenje: “Čini mi se da Dodika treba pitati da to nije ona situacija sa autoputa…”

Visoki predstavnik govorio o 9. januaru, zabrinjavajućoj retorici, slobodi medija i budućoj vlasti Napad na Ilidži je odjeknuo u cijeloj regiji: kako ga komentirate? Osuđujem ovaj napad i zabrinut sam. MUP i policija su uradili dobar posao i hvala im. Nažalost, u posljednje vrijeme se čuje različita retorika koja nije …

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Potencijalni uzori za rešenje kosovskog pitanja: Kako primeri Olandskih ostrva, Južnog Tirola i istočne Belgije mogu biti modeli za ZSO?

Primeri Olandskih ostrva, Južnog Tirola i istočne Belgije razmatraju se kao potencijalni modeli za rešavanje kosovskog pitanja, odnosno za autonomiju severa Kosova, gde su Srbi većinsko stanovništvo. U narednim tekstovima, Demostat će predstaviti kako je uređena autonomija ta tri entiteta u Evropi. Olandska ostrva  Državni pregovarački tim Srbije predstavio je …

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Is OPEC+ losing influence over production and prices?

Russia gave core OPEC+ members Saudi Arabia and the UAE unprecedented control over oil markets when it invaded Ukraine and was embargoed by the West. The United States has shown its discomfort with the leverage these countries have gained; the full results of these shifts in relative power will play out in …

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Iran Won’t Be Sidelined By Turkey-Syria Warmth – OpEd

It has become a cliché to describe relations between Turkiye and Iran as a “manageable competition”and “reluctant cooperation.” In many ways, Ankara’s relations with Tehran resemble its relations with Moscow, and Syria best displays the complicated nature of ties between all three. In particular, the Astana peace process these three …

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Kosovo: Not Up To NATO – OpEd

Tensions over northern Kosovo continue. The Washington Post noticed in a January 12 editorial. The Post highlighted the negative role being played by Albin Kurti and urged that the U.S. “make clear to Kosovo’s leaders that NATO’s willingness to keep its forces on the ground isn’t indefinite. Continued Western military support for Kosovo should …

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A Moscow meeting shatters fantasies of a Syrian ‘confederation’

The newly-initiated Syrian-Turkish rapprochement talks are headed in Damascus’ favor and the “Turkish concessions” derided by opponents are just the start, insiders tell The Cradle. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has already abandoned his dream of “praying in the Umayyad Mosque” in Damascus. But sources say this will be swiftly …

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Iran boosts air defense deliveries for Syria: Report

Iran has significantly stepped up its air defense systems deployment to Syria over the past two years, according to a 10 January report released by Newsweek citing an anonymous intelligence official from “a nation allied” with Washington. As part of this boost in the supply of defense technology to Damascus, …

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