
Putin to provide Turkiye with free grain, flour to send to African countries: Erdogan

On 8 January, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkiye is determined to send flour and grain to African states through the Black Sea corridor. He added that the Russian President Vladimir Putin assured Ankara that Russia would be able to provide grain for free on the condition that …

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Turkiye-Syria talks fuel jihadist relocation to Ukraine: Report

As the prospect of a rapprochement between Ankara and Damascus becomes more imminent, the most extreme elements of Syria’s armed opposition have been feeling a sting of betrayal, accelerating a trend that, over the past year, has seen many jihadists relocate to Ukraine. This is especially true for foreign militants, …

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Predictions for 2023? Annus horribilis with some surprising upsides

Predictions are a notoriously painful exercise. In the world of geopolitics, especially during a time of seismic global transformation, they are nigh near impossible to make. In West Asia, a depressed and neglected region that acts as a punching bag for Great Power competition elsewhere, much relies on the settlement …

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By the numbers: The de-dollarization of global trade

Data suggests that US dollar reserves in central banks are dwindling, as is the influence of the US on the world economy. This presents a unique opportunity for regional currencies and alternative payment systems to enter the vacuum. The imposition of US trade restrictions and sanctions against a number of …

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Why the CIA attempted a ‘Maidan uprising’ in Brazil

The failed coup in Brazil is the latest CIA stunt, just as the country is forging stronger ties with the east. A former US intelligence official has confirmed that the shambolic Maidan remix staged in Brasilia on 8 January was a CIA operation, and linked it to the recent attempts …

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“Dodik je krenuo ka de facto secesiji RS-a” / Velika Britanija upozorava na SNSD-ovu politiku i najavljuje mogućnost uvođenja novih sankcija

Suprotstavit ćemo se pokušajima Rusije da destabilizuje region, istaknuto je Ured državnog sekretara za vanjske poslove Velike Britanije odgovorio je na upite zastupnice Konzervativne partije Alicie Kearns u vezi podrške koju Milorad Dodik i entitet RS pružaju Rusiji. Kearns je pitala da li postoje jasni dokazi da Republika Srspka pruža podršku Rusiji u vojnoj …

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Dačić: Napad na državljane Srbije u Sarajevu posledica stvaranja antisrpske atmosfere

Ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije Ivica Dačić ocenio je danas u Beogradu da je subotnji napad na državljane Srbije u Sarajevu „posledica stvaranja antisrpske atmosfere i kampanje koja se kontinuirano vodi svih ovih godina u mnogim zemljama u regionu“. Moramo da budemo odgovorni za javnu reč koja neće podsticati sukobe, zato …

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Nemačka štampa nudi tri viđenja „kosovskog čvora“: Čvrsto ujedinjeni u nepoverenju

U nedeljnom izdanju švajcarskog lista Noje cirher cajtung (NZZ) nekoliko tekstova je posvećeno sporu Beograda i Prištine. Autorke su Adelhajd Velfl, Blerta Ismaili i Tatjana Lazarević. U podnaslovu teksta za Noje Cirher Cajtung „Čvrsto ujedinjeni u nepoverenju“ naznačava se: „Kremlj je vodio režiju“. Tekst je potpisala Adelhajd Velfl: „Opasno blizu …

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„Skandiraju ‘Ubij Srbina’, a u stvari samo prenose ono što čuju“: Političar iz BiH o incidentu sa malim fudbalerima u Sarajevu

„Zastrašujuće poruke, nevjerovatni prizori iz Sarajeva pokazuju koliko je stanje zabrinjavajuće i koliko je to odraz svakodnevne političke ratnohuškačke retorike. Sve što u javnosti slušamo od strane pojedinih političkih elita koje kroz politike tenzija, sukoba i konflikta žele da ostvare kratkoročne proklete izborne ciljeve, preliva se preko cijelog društva i …

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Capacities and Dimensions of Russian Investment in Iranian Oil and Gas Fields

On July 19, 2022, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Russian gas company Gazprom worth close to $40 billion. The deal was signed by the CEOs of both companies during a virtual ceremony on the same day that Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived …

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