
What It Means for Hunger to Burn Through the Pentagon’s Ranks

By any standard, the money the United States government pours into its military is simply overwhelming. Take the $858-billion defense spending authorization that President Biden signed into law last month. Not only did that bill pass in an otherwise riven Senate by a bipartisan majority of 83-11, but this year’s budget increase of …

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The Middle East in 2023: Five Areas for the UK and Europe to Focus On

Following a relatively quiet year in the Middle East from Europe’s perspective, 2023 is likely to bring significant challenges in the region – and governments in London and other European capitals will need to be prepared. In 2022, the Middle East seemed to drop down the list of priorities for …

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Russia’s Iranian-Made UAVs: A Technical Profile

The precision of Iranian-made suicide UAVs, combined with their cheapness, has turned them into a potent weapon on the battlefields of Ukraine. The appearance of Iran’s Shahed 131/136 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Ukraine has catapulted them to the centre of global attention and generated numerous papers by military observers …

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Will Kurds’ choice to field own candidate benefit Erdogan or Turkey’s opposition?

Turkey’s major pro-Kurdish opposition party has announced it will field its own candidate in a move sure to have a profound impact on the presidential race, but in which direction? Turkey’s third-largest political party, the pro-Kurdish Democratic People’s Party (HDP), announced over the weekend that it will field its own …

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China Strives to Undermine the Predominance of the U.S. Dollar

China is seeking to undermine the longstanding pre-eminence of the U.S. dollar as a global reserve currency and the primary vehicle for conducting world energy transactions. The prominence of the U.S. dollar in global transactions provides Washington with substantial leverage to use economic sanctions to try to change the behavior …

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Dačić o članstvu Kosova u Savetu Evrope: Nema pravo da bude član, ali bi imalo dovoljan broj glasova za prijem

Ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije Ivica Dačić rekao je da Kosovo ima dovoljan broj glasova za prijem u Savet Evrope (SE), s obzirom na broj zemalja u tom telu koje su ga priznale, ali da je pitanje da li sve one smatraju da o toj temi sada treba razgovarati. „Kada je …

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„Albanska javnost pritiska Tužilaštvo da ne postupi kako bi trebalo u slučaju pripadnika KBS koji je pucao na srpskog dečaka i mladića“

Direktor RTV KiM Isak Vorgučić kaže da za Danas da ne očekuje da kosovsko tužilaštvo postupi profesionalno i moralno u slučaju ranjavanja dečaka i mladića srpske nacionalnosti u Štrpcu, na koje je za Badnji dan pucao pripadnik Kosovskih bezbednosnih snaga, a kao ključan ističe pritisak albanske javnosti na KiM. S. …

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Islamic State (ISIS) In 2022: Growing Threat Continuing Into 2023

The Islamic State (ISIS) jihadi group, which grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq during the first two decades of the 21st century and expanded into Syria following the outbreak of the ongoing civil war there, has remained an international jihadi militant organization despite the loss of its territory in Iraq …

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Lessons for the Next War

Predictions about the future of war follow narratives and intellectual fashions. At the beginning of the millennium, the emergence of high-tech drones—the U.S. military’s all-seeing eyes in Afghanistan—fueled futuristic visions of battles contested by robots and computers. By the mid-2010s, the success of Russian information operations, election interference, and weaponized …

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Petar Todorov: ‘Atmosphere is Worsening’ in Bulgaria-North Macedonia Commission

The atmosphere in the joint North Macedonia-Bulgaria history commission has deteriorated, and if things don’t improve the current deadlock will continue, Petar Todorov, a Macedonian member of the commission, told BIRN. Until the spring of 2018, the members of the history commission with Bulgaria, as it is commonly called in …

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