
Геополитика Суши: Россия и евразийство

Александр ДугинРусские и германские элементы в становлении геополитики-2 Мы рассмотрели основные направления в англосаксонской атлантистской геополитике — в геополитике-1. Она представляет собой взгляд на мир со стороны «цивилизации Моря», «морского могущества» и рассматривает мир как поле для укрепления и расширения зоны атлантистского контроля. В качестве главного объекта такой геополитики выступает ее «противоположность» — …

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US slaps sanctions on Islamic State network in Turkey

The US Treasury Department designated four individuals and two entities accused of enabling the terrorist group’s recruitment and financial transfers. The US Treasury Department on Thursday designated what it described as a Turkey-based financial network of the Islamic State (IS) that moved funds to and from Syria and Iraq.  In …

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Wagner Group Continues Expanding Through West Africa

There are recent reports that the Russia-based Wagner Group is trying to expand its operations into Burkina Faso. While officials within the government of Burkina Faso have denied this, there have been signs of closer relations with the Russian Federation that would make Wagner’s expansion into the country unsurprising.

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Iran Escalates Crackdown in Latest Attempt to Quell Uprising

Iranian leaders are considering the possibility of offering concessions while simultaneously escalating their crackdown against protesters in an effort to quell the three-month-old uprising. Hardliners in the regime believe that executing protesters will cause the woman-led unrest to subside.Regime moderates have criticized the executions and seek to end enforcement of …

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Trends In Terrorism: What’s On The Horizon In 2023? – Analysis

The most defining feature of international terrorism in 2023 will be its diversity, reflected by the broad array of ideologies and grievances motivating plots and attacks. The Islamic State, the most significant terrorist threat since the global counterterrorism campaign to dismantle al-Qaeda in the immediate years following 9/11, has been attenuated …

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Money-Supply Growth Turns Negative For First Time In 28 Years – Analysis

Money supply growth fell again in November, and this time it turned negative for the first time in 28 years. November’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of the past two years. During the thirteen months between April 2020 and April 2021, money supply growth …

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Tehran’s Shiification Of Syria: Iran’s Hegemonic Drive – Analysis

After a bloody war that saw hundreds of thousands killed and millions displaced over a decade, Syria has been effectively divided into spheres of influence and de facto protectorates controlled by regional and international powers. Foremost among these has been Iran, which has come to exert huge influence not only …

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How Switzerland Could Help Restore Some UN Credibility – Analysis

From January 2023 Switzerland will act as a non-permanent member of the 15-member Security Council for two years. It will not have a veto like the five permanent members Russia, China, the United States, France and the United Kingdom. The Security Council is the most important body for ensuring peace and …

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The most defining feature of international terrorism in 2023 will be its diversity, reflected by the broad array of ideologies and grievances motivating plots and attacks. The challenge of dealing with “everyday extremists” remains, as lone actors influenced by accelerationism and other forms of violent extremism radicalize online and seek …

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SDF arrests several ISIS suspects during ongoing operation

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) on Tuesday announced the arrest of several Islamic State (ISIS) suspects during a recently-launched operation against the group in northeast Syria (Rojava). The SDF on Thursday announced a new anti-ISIS mission dubbed Operation al-Jazeera Thunderbolt, targeting the terror group’s hotspots in northeast Syria’s al-Hol …

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