
Poland upsets some by rebuffing German air defense system

Poland’s government says an anti-missile system which Germany offered to send to Poland should instead go to Ukraine, a proposal that is a likely non-starter for Berlin because it would significantly ratchet up NATO involvement in Ukraine. Poland’s surprising response to Berlin’s offer was welcomed by Ukraine, which is desperate …

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Sretan Dan Državnosti BiH!

Dan Državnosti Bosne i Hercegovine se obilježava 25. novembra (“Službeni list RBiH”, broj 9/95) Na taj dan 1943. godine, na prvom zasjedanju Zemaljskog antifašističkog vijeća narodnog oslobođenja Bosne i Hercegovine (ZAVNOBiH) u oslobođenom Mrkonjić Gradu usvojena je Rezolucija kojom su udareni temelji modernoj državi Bosni i Hercegovini te joj je …

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UN Letter Documents Greek Pushback of Turkish Asylum Seekers

In March, eight Turks reached Greece by boat, fearing persecution in their homeland. The UN urged Greece to provide protection, but instead the men were pushed back to sea and into the arms of the Turkish police. Seven Turkish ex-soldiers and a teacher, convicted this year in their native Turkey …

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Is Putin a Rational Actor?

How and Why the Kremlin Might Use the Bomb On February 24, as he launched the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin raised the specter of nuclear war. He warned that any outside interference would lead to consequences “never seen in history,” a clear reference to the use of …

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Not Just Another Recession

Why the Global Economy May Never Be the Same To say that the last few years have been economically turbulent would be a colossal understatement. Inflation has surged to its highest level in decades, and a combination of geopolitical tensions, supply chain disruptions, and rising interest rates now threatens to …

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Sisi, Erdogan meet, pledge new era of Egypt-Turkey relations

Turkish analysts believe that the enthusiastic handshake between Sisi and Erdogan may facilitate the budding rapprochement but will not be a magic wand, particularly in Libya. Brushing aside name-calling and accusations of the past, the Turkish and Egyptian presidents shared an enthusiastic handshake on the sidelines of the opening ceremony …

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Turkey’s Russian-built nuclear plant could amplify Moscow’s regional influence

Some experts are warning that Turkey’s first nuclear power plant, which is being built by Russia’s Rosatom, might become a tool to advance Russian interests in the region. A potential security threat has emerged for NATO and Europe at large: the construction of Turkey’s first nuclear plant. Experts say the project by Russia …

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Turkey strikes near US base in Syria after Pentagon calls for de-escalation

The US military says it opposes Ankara’s plans to send ground troops against Syria’s Kurds, but it has stood down in the face of similar attacks in the past. A suspected Turkish drone strike hit a Kurdish-led militia base in northeast Syria on Tuesday, killing two members of a local …

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Ο Ερντογάν βομβαρδίζει, Αμερικανοί και Ευρωπαίοι σιωπούν, μάθημα για εμάς…

Τουρκικά γεράκια λένε απροκάλυπτα ότι, όπως τα τουρκικά αεροπλάνα πήγαν νύχτα στη βόρεια Συρία, μπορεί να κάνουν το ίδιο και στην Ελλάδα. Δεν πρέπει να έχουμε την ψευδαίσθηση ότι θα έχουμε άλλη αντιμετώπιση. Οι Κούρδοι της περιοχής αυτής ήταν σύμμαχοι των Αμερικανών στον πόλεμο κατά του Ισλαμικού Κράτους. Όμως, οι …

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Pençe-Kılıç operasyonu, emperyalistlerin “olur”u ve iktidarın gururu!

Pençe-Kılıç operasyonundan sonra yazılı ve görsel medyada “Türkiye’nin terörle mücadeledeki kararlılığı” ve “operasyonun başarısı” üzerine haber ve yorumlardan geçilmiyor. Peki, Pençe-Kılıç operasyonu Türkiye’nin “terörle mücadele” adına düzenlediği kaçıncı sınır ötesi operasyon? Her operasyondan sonra televizyon kanallarında haritaların başına geçerek operasyonun başarısını anlata anlata bitiremeyen ve şu kanal senin, bu kanal …

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