Several hundred extreme right-wing people who gathered in front of the Presidency building, joined on Wednesday evening by members of right-wing parties and citizens who oppose the signing of the Franco-German plan, raised the president and the heads of all security services, as well as the police, to their feet. …
Read More »2023 Ukraine: Is the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war in sight?
The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022. A year after the start of the war, the mystery surrounding its course is more intense than ever In the first six months of the war, Russia had the initiative, and the key questions were when, where, and what kind …
Read More »Putin’s Russians forcibly take Ukrainian children to camps
The report says the Russian government is operating a network of camps where it has held thousands of Ukrainian children since the start of the war The Russian government is operating an expansive network of dozens of camps where it has held thousands of Ukrainian children since the start of …
Read More »China spy balloon was a discrete program — part of a larger set of programs
The U.S. tracked a China spy balloon from launch on Hainan Island along an unusual path The large Chinese surveillance device that flew across Alaska and the continental United States may have been diverted on an errant path caused by atypical weather conditions By the time a Chinese spy balloon …
Read More »Nikki Haley Is Officially Running for President Against Trump
The former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador knows a thing or two about small business–after all, her parents were once small-business owners Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced on Tuesday that she is joining the presidential race, marking her official run against her old boss, former President Donald …
Read More »Tačijev branilac: Holbruk, Olbrajtova i Dol svedočili bi u Tačijevu odbranu da su živi
Branilac bivšeg komandanta OVK Hašima Tačija (Hashim Thaci), optuženog za ratne zločine na Kosovu i u Albaniji, izrazio je žaljenje što američki zvaničnici Ričard Holbruk (Richard Holbrooke) i Madlen Olbrajt (Madeleine Albright) nisu živi da svedoče u Tačijevu odbranu. Holbruk i Olbrajt „svedočili bi veoma pozitivno u korist mog klijenta“, …
Read More »Komšić iz Brisela: Borelj potvrdio da hrvatska vojska neće doći u BiH u okviru EUFOR-a
Članovi Predsedništva BiH u okviru posete Briselu danas su održali sastanak sa Žozepom Boreljom, visokim predstavnikom EU za spoljnu i bezbednosnu politiku. Prethodno su članovi Predsedništva BiH razgovarali i sa predsednikom Evropskog veća Šarl Mišelom, a ishod tog susreta je najava da bi napredak BiH na putu ka članstvu u …
Read More »Dodik o potezu zamenika ministra odbrane BiH koji je odbio da se sastane sa britanskim ministrom: Nema potrebe da se komunicira sa strancima
„Kao što ste mogli da primetite britanski ambasador u BiH Džulian Reili nije bio ni pozvan na inauguraciju Željke Cvijanović u Predsedništvo“, rekao je Dodik. Ponovio je da će se u skladu sa utvrđenom politikom ponašati i ostali predstavnici RS-a. „Britanija ima veoma loše namere i pokušavaju da prikažu da …
Read More »INTERVJU Abdulah Sidran: Jugoslavija je bila i biće sve bolja i bolja, zato što je naša stvarnost sve gora i gora
„Kad sam pošo na ovaj razgovor, reko sam ženi: ‘Ako je došla da razgovaramo o Kusturici, džabe je dolazila’“, započeo je razgovor pesnik, dramski pisac, romanopisac i putopisac, kolumnista i autor legendarnih scenarija za filmove „Sjećaš li se Doli Bel?“ i „Otac na službenom putu“ Abdulah Sidran. Razgovarali smo u …
Read More »Léopards contre l’ours russe
Mémorandum d’alerte pour : Le PrésidentDe : Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)Sujet : Léopards contre l’ours russeDécisions dans le vide du renseignement Cher Président Biden : Nous sommes conscients que la décision d’envoyer des chars Abrams à l’Ukraine, qui vient d’être annoncée, répond à l’insistance timide de Berlin pour …
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