
Erdogan reveals intelligence talks with Syria regime

The Turkish intelligence service has been conducting negotiations with the Syrian regime of Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus to define a “road map” on several issues, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has revealed. “Our intelligence service is conducting negotiations there [Damascus], and we will define our road map based on the results,” …

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Russia: Sanctions prevent it from maintaining gas pipeline to Turkiye, Balkans

Russia says that European sanctions block the energy transfer to Turkiye and Balkan region, Reuters reports. According to the report, the Russian operator of a pipeline that supplies Turkiye and the Balkans with natural gas, South Stream Transport B.V, would suspend some maintenance and repair work, citing European Union sanctions, …

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‘A time bomb’: Anger rising in a hot spot of Iran protests

Growing up under a repressive system, Sharo, a 35-year-old university graduate, never thought she would hear words of open rebellion spoken out loud. Now she herself chants slogans like “Death to the Dictator!” with a fury she didn’t know she had, as she joins protests calling for toppling the country’s …

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Putin calls Kerch Bridge attack “a terrorist act” by Kyiv

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday called the attack that damaged the huge bridge connecting Russia to its annexed territory of Crimea “a terrorist act” masterminded by Ukrainian special services. The Kerch Bridge, which holds important strategic and symbolic value to Russia in its faltering war in Ukraine, was hit …

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Peace is only option to end all conflicts in Afghanistan: Qaisari

The former police chief of Qaisar district of Faryab province considers peace to be the only option to end problems and conflicts in Afghanistan. In an exclusive interview with Ariana News broadcast on Friday, Nizamuddin Qaisari said that the full support of the people for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan …

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Iranian and Turkish Moves to Join Shanghai Cooperation Organization Raise Its Profile

Held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from September 15 to 16, the 2022 summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Heads of State Council demonstrated that the SCO was continuing to evolve into a viable international political congregation independent from the West. Beginning in the early 1800s, international organizations (IOs) began to …

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Blast on bridge to Crimea hurts Russian supply lines, pride

An explosion Saturday caused the partial collapse of a bridge linking the Crimean Peninsula with Russia, damaging an important supply artery for the Kremlin’s faltering war effort in southern Ukraine and hitting a towering symbol of Russian power in the region. Nobody immediately claimed responsibility for the blast, which killed …

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Rare clashes erupt between jihadist group, Turkey-backed faction in Syria’s Idlib

Clashes erupted between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Faylaq al-Sham, affiliated with the Turkish-backed FSA, due to differences over the alleged opening of a commercial crossing with the Syrian government-held areas in the eastern Idlib countryside. Clashes erupted Sept. 29 between Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA)-affiliated …

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Turkey’s energy deal in Libya fans regional rivalries

Turkey is likely to face stronger headwinds in the eastern Mediterranean after signing a controversial energy exploration deal with Libya’s interim government. Turkey’s signing of a hydrocarbon exploration deal with the Tripoli government has crippled its recent efforts to balance its policy in Libya and fanned the internal and external …

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After collapse of Lebanon maritime deal, Israel fears Hezbollah attack

Pressured by opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, and concerned over Hezbollah attacking, Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced Israel will not negotiate its maritime border with Lebanon under threats. Within less than a week, the optimism that had swept through Jerusalem, Beirut and Washington regarding prospects for completing a deal on the …

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