
EU overlooks Azeri energy graft risk

As the EU talks of ‘freedom’ from Russian gas for central and eastern Europe and the Balkans, brought by increased imports from Azerbaijan, sceptics warn it comes at a cost: increased reliance on a country engaged in a conflict and with a recent history of bribery and corruption in Europe. …

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The economic response that can match Putin’s escalation in Ukraine

On September 30, two days after the publication of this post, the US government announced a new series of sanctions against top Russian officials (including Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina), business leaders, and others. The United States is also targeting military procurement and sanctions-evasion networks, while tightening export controls (as …

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Iran: The Chained Volcano

Today’s Damavand [volcano] s made of a new generation of Iranians who don’t give tuppence about the Islamic Republic’s arcane narrative, and prefer life in the modern world, warts and all, to the North Korean-style society that “Supreme Guide” Ali Khamenei is trying to impose on Iran. The uprising was …

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Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda

It should now be quite clear to any reasonable person that the Biden administration is hell-bent on destroying Russia and will risk nuclear war in doing so. It has already started World War III with its use of Ukraine to light the final match. The problem is that reasonable people …

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Israel, Lebanon Receive US-Brokered Maritime Border Proposal

Israel and Lebanon received a US-brokered proposal for an agreement on a maritime border between the two countries. Lebanese President Michel Aoun met with US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea on Saturday and received the written proposal from US mediator Amos Hochstein, according to the Lebanese Presidency. At Sunday’s regular …

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Why is Italy swerving far right? Many feel they have no choice.

Giorgia Meloni, leader of the far-right Brothers of Italy party, looks likely to become Italy’s first female prime minister in Sunday’s elections. She has waged a slick communication campaign, using speeches peppered with anecdotes to suit each region. Her messages have something for everyone: fiscal relief, youth employment, secure borders, …

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Biden Administration’s Gift to Russia: Iran Nuke Deal

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has stunningly made it clear to US lawmakers that the Biden administration will not stand in the way of Russia cashing in on the $10 billion contract as well as Russia-Iran nuclear cooperation. And the State Department spokesman Ned Price reiterated the Biden administration’s …

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Bosnia Needs Genuine Reform, not Backroom Deals With Politicians

The EU has always been tempted to hatch deals with powerful politicians – but this has only cemented the unhealthy grip of ethno-politics on the country. Despite the proximity of general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s High Representative, Christian Schmidt, has continued to flirt with the incomprehensible step …

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Albania’s Quick-Fix Econ Measures Seen Encouraging Criminality

From golden passports to gambling, retroactive building permits to a ‘no-questions-asked’ policy on undeclared assets, Albania’s government is trying to unlock funds but risks unleashing criminality, experts warn. Seeking a quick fix to Albania’s economic woes, the government of Prime Minister Edi Rama wants to lift a ban on gambling, …

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Bosnian Politicians Obsess Over– but Don’t Understand – Geopolitics

Like ‘corruption’ a few years ago, geopolitics has become a concept that is seen as explaining pretty much everything – but is it anything more than a cheap rhetorical ploy? As general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina draw near on October 2, much of the focus of the politicians seem …

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