
At the IRF Summit

At the recent IRF summit that took place from June 28th through the 30th several concerns regarding the MENA region were raised. Some of the are listed below. Algeria was the first country to be discussed. In its recent report USCIRF recommended that Algeria be placed on the Special Watch …

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Regarding the Summit

The month of March ended with a unique piece of diplomacy in the Middle East. A group of six Foreign Ministers held a meeting in the Negev Desert to discuss regional matters. Sounds simple actually but there is a deeper context for this meeting. The State of Israel was the …

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Украина — и в Африке Украина

Через пять месяцев после начала военной операции на Украине Россия и Запад впервые сошлись в дипломатической рукопашной в Африке. Совпавшие по времени африканские турне главы МИД РФ Сергея Лаврова, посетившего Египет, Уганду, Конго и Эфиопию, и французского президента Эмманюэля Макрона, проехавшего по маршруту Камерун—Бенин—Гвинея-Бисау, стали первым генеральным сражением в новой …

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A dor inevitável da inflação

Vamos ficar mais pobres com a inflação. Os governos devem apenas apoiar as famílias e empresas mais vulneráveis. Para que a crise não seja ainda pior. A melhor forma de os governos combaterem a inflação é fazerem muito pouco, evitando cair na tentação de compensar com apoios ou descida de …

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Migrants in Bosnia Risk All on Winning Border ‘Game’

Migrants and refugees in Bosnia liken their attempts to cross the border into EU-member Croatia to a ‘game’ – in which victory means a new start in the West. Twenty-eight-year-old Mohasinne from Morocco “gamed” the border more than a hundred times before he finally succeeded. BIRN met him together with …

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ExxonMobil Makes Two More Discoveries Offshore Guyana

ExxonMobil said Tuesday it has made two new discoveries offshore Guyana to the southeast of the Liza and Payara developments in the Stabroek block. The discoveries at Seabob and Kiru-Kiru are the sixth and seventh in Guyana this year, with the total number of discoveries in Guyana at more than …

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Rupee Convertibility: De-Dollarization Paves Way For Stronger Rupee

The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) decision to permit the rupee in global trade is a precursor to making it an international currency. The RBI said the move was to “support the increasing interest of global trading companies”. Although the convertibility is limited to current account, which means partial convertibility, …

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Bitcoin: Balancing Risks And Benefits

What makes Bitcoin a gold-like commodity is its perfect decentralisation and high cost of production, both traits lacking by every other cryptocurrency. Like gold can be found in physical nature, Bitcoin can be found in digital nature, by anyone with electricity, internet, and some hardware. Those who lack access to …

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Renaud Girard: «La France doit réussir en Afrique!»

Pour le deuxième déplacement international de son deuxième mandat, du 25 au 28 juillet 2022, Emmanuel Macron a décidé de se rendre en Afrique (Cameroun, Bénin, Guinée-Bissau). Le président de la République estime, à juste titre, que les destins de la France et du continent africain sont étroitement liés. Qu’est-ce …

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The flaws in Europe’s deal to ration gas

WHEN THE energy ministers of the European Union’s member countries gathered for an emergency meeting on July 26th, the deal came swiftly. They agreed that each country should cut gas consumption by 15%, compared with their average over the past five years, between August 1st and March 31st 2023. It …

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