
Ukrainalaiset joutuivat kärsijöiksi Suomen byrokratiassa

Ukrainasta sotaa Suomeen paenneille pitää saada henkilötunnukset pikavauhtia. Tuhannet sotaa Suomeen jo kuukausia sitten paenneet ukrainalaiset eivät ole saaneet henkilötunnusta. Sen puuttuminen vaikeuttaa esimerkiksi työntekoa ja asunnon saamista. Tilanne on kohtuuton. Ihmisiä pompotellaan tiskiltä toiselle, mikä on tavallisellekin suomalaiselle uuvuttavaa, saati ukrainalaiselle, joka ei osaa viranomaisten käyttämää kieltä. Euroopan unioni …

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Jerzy Haszczyński: Unijny przekaz dla Kijowa

Zmniejszające się gwałtownie zainteresowanie wojną znajdzie prędzej czy później odzwierciedlenie w działaniach europejskich polityków. Niestety, raczej prędzej. Gdy widzę w gazecie nazwisko kończące się na »ić«, to przewracam stronę” – tak po miesiącach wojny jugosłowiańskiej powiedział mój kolega, też dziennikarz, również interesujący się sprawami zagranicznymi. Nie jest cynikiem, to człowiek …

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Ukraine Increasingly More Desperate, Calls For Modern Weapons

Ukrainian forces are suffering painful losses in the fight against Russian troops in the east of the country as they await the delivery of promised weapons from Western countries, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on June 14 in a late-night address. Ukraine needs modern anti-missile weapons now, he said, adding there …

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Arrival Of High Inflation Sets Up Stagflationary Debt Crisis

Americans are experiencing the worst inflation they have in over four decades. The Federal Reserve is gearing up for a series of big interest rate hikes to try to slow it. Those rate hikes mean big trouble lies ahead for the fiscal health of the U.S. government. Through June 9, …

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham holds massive military maneuvers in Idlib

The Syrian jihadi group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is boosting readiness in anticipation of new government offensive. Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), which controls Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, held during the last week of May major combat military drills. The exercises were conducted in the various fighting fronts with the Bashar …

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Iraqi-KRG counterterrorism cooperation increases in response to attacks

Joint operations between Iraqi Counterterrorism Services and their counterparts in some areas of the Kurdistan Region continue to target Islamic State cells, while other armed groups attack Erbil. As discord at other levels grows more acute between the central government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), coordination in …

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Calls to abolish Canada terror list at event on Ottawa city property

PFLP-tied Canadian Khaled Barakat complained that Hezbollah, Hamas and PFLP were seen by Canada as terrorist organizations. Canada’s list of terrorist organizations should be abolished, said Khaled Barakat — The subject of controversy in Canada for his alleged ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terrorist …

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How Free Trade Can Fight Inflation

More Competition Means Lower Prices Over a year into U.S. President Joe Biden’s first term, the United States is still fighting former President Donald Trump’s economic wars. Biden’s rhetoric is less extreme and more polite, but his policies nevertheless channel his predecessor’s harsh isolationism: he has maintained sky-high tariffs on …

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Why War Fails

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and the Limits of Military Power On February 27, a few days after Russia invaded Ukraine, Russian forces launched an operation to seize the Chornobaivka airfield near Kherson on the Black Sea coast. Kherson was the first Ukrainian city the Russians managed to occupy, and since …

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