
Russia May Never Recover Its Status as an Energy Giant

In the aftermath of U.S. President Joe Biden’s announcement last week that he was banning Russian oil imports in the U.S., global markets delivered a stark message to Russia’s leading energy giants: No one wants to buy what they’re selling. No one, that is, other than India, which is the …

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How Europe Maneuvered Itself Into an Energy Crisis

Four years ago, at a Track II dialogue between German and American diplomats and analysts, a German colleague of mine explained his firm belief that his country—and, by extension, Europe as a whole—could use geoeconomic tools to regulate and blunt Russia’s geopolitical ambitions. Europe’s need for natural gas, he said, …

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Ξέρεις τι πάει να πει να έχεις έναν πιστό υποτελή στη δούλεψή σου; Να σου κάνει όλα τα χατίρια, να σου δίνει τις βάσεις τη μία πίσω από την άλλη, να αγοράζει αεροπλάνα και φυσικό αέριο αβέρτα, να θυμάται μόνο την υπέροχη δημοκρατία που έχεις εγκαθιδρύσει και όχι τις δικτατορίες, …

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Greece Is Reshaping the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Developments in the Eastern Mediterranean region are unfolding at a breakneck pace. Blink an eye and one is bound to miss a new multilateral initiative, an impressive military exercise or even the creation of an international organization. Greece is very much in the middle of this diplomatic and military frenzy, …

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The EU Has Lots of Options for Targeting Russian Oil. It Should Use Them

In banning Russian coal imports from August onward, the European Union has finally broken the “energy taboo” that had beset its discussions of punitive sanctions against Russia for the war in Ukraine. Yet, the coal ban is not going to hit Russia’s economy very hard. With the clock now ticking …

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«24 февраля поставило крест на финском и шведском нейтралитете»

США сохраняют уверенность в том, что НАТО достигнет консенсуса в вопросе вступления Финляндии и Швеции в блок, несмотря на возражения Турции, заявили в Белом доме. Когда это произойдет, пока планировать сложно, подчеркивают политологи. Как и последствия присоединения Хельсинки и Стокгольма к Североатлантическому альянсу. Обозреватель “Ъ” Максим Юсин считает, что их …

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The EU’s Ban on Russian Oil May Have Hit a Snag Named Orban

Energy analysts in Brussels have been burning the candle at both ends this week to determine the full extent of the disruption and economic fallout from the European Union’s impending ban on oil imports from Russia. But though Germany has dropped its opposition, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is still …

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Es sind Helden

Die Deutschen haben ein Problem mit Helden. Das hat mit unserer Geschichte zu tun, weil beim Begriff des Heldentums stets ein martialischer Unterton mitschwingt. Vor allem aber erscheint es uns als archaisches Konzept, das wie ein Fremdkörper in unsere saturierte, an Mitte und Mittelmaß orientierte Gegenwart hineinragt. Tatsächlich zeigen uns …

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EU rushes out $300 billion roadmap to ditch Russian energy

The European Union’s executive arm moved Wednesday to jump-start plans for the 27-nation bloc to abandon Russian energy amid the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine, proposing a nearly 300 billion-euro ($315 billion) package that includes more efficient use of fuels and faster rollout of renewable power. The European Commission’s investment initiative …

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NATO talks with Finland, Sweden falter but will continue

NATO envoys failed to reach a consensus Wednesday on whether to start membership talks with Finland and Sweden, diplomats said, as Turkey renewed its objections to the two Nordic countries joining. The envoys met at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels after Finland and Sweden’s ambassadors submitted written applications to join the …

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