
Hizbullah Appears Likely To Lose Majority Following Parliamentary Election

Independent reformist candidates won at least 13 seats in elections for Lebanon’s parliament, and Hizbullah and its allies appear likely to lose their majority in the 128-member assembly, according to reports. The results of the weekend election were announced on Tuesday by Lebanon’s Interior Ministry; Voter turnout was historically low …

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Iran ‘Weeks Away’ From Enough Material To Build Nuclear Bomb, Israel’s Gantz Says

Iran is just “a few weeks away” from having enough enriched uranium to build its first nuclear bomb, Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz told an Institute for National Security Studies conference at Herzliya’s Reichman University. The Islamic Republic has doubled its supply of 60% enriched uranium to 60 kilograms, Gantz …

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Turkey Pushing Russia Out of Syria & Kazakhstan

The latest developments, including:– Turkey moves to normalize with Assad government in Syria– Why Turkey needs Syria– The Kurdish question and the US– Turkey selling drones to Kazakhstan– The Russia-China-Turkey dynamic in Kazakhstan– Erdogan the opportunist– Turkey offers to evacuate wounded Ukrainian soldiers from Mariupol

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Congress Approves 40 Billion Dollar Ukraine War Bill

Who will hold career politicians and the ruling class accountable? Rand Paul has never thought clearly about economics, and the relation between his morality and his partisan politics is not the subject of this column. No one needs a reminder that Rand Paul is an Ayn Randian “libertarian.” That is …

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Iraqi Kurdistan government denies taking control of oil fields in Kirkuk

An oil company run by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil alleged that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s forces took over some oil fields in the disputed northern province. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq has denied seizing oil fields in the disputed region of Kirkuk. On May 14, the North …

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Iraqi Kurdistan government denies taking control of oil fields in Kirkuk

An oil company run by the Iraqi Ministry of Oil alleged that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s forces took over some oil fields in the disputed northern province. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Iraq has denied seizing oil fields in the disputed region of Kirkuk. On May 14, the North …

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New CENTCOM chief visits Israel as Iran nuclear talks drag on

Gen. Michael Kurilla’s visit comes as Israel seeks a Plan B in case the Vienna talks fail. The newly confirmed commander of US military forces in the Middle East, US Army Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, arrived in Israel on Tuesday on his first official tour of the region since taking …

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How long can Erdogan sustain threat to veto Finnish, Swedish NATO bids?

Erdogan shakes up otherwise unified Western alliance on Ukraine war. Turkish President Recep Erdogan threatened to veto Finland and Sweden’s bid for NATO membership last week. Europe is at one of its most critical junctures in modern history as the West tries to consolidate its defense against Moscow after Russia’s …

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Vladimiras Laučius. Ką daryti su Rusija?

Visą pastarąjį šimtmetį Vakaruose vyraujanti politika Rusijos atžvilgiu buvo viena didelė klaida su palyginti nedidelėmis išimtimis – klaida, iš kurios iki pat šių metų beveik niekas nepasimokė. 1917–1922 m., kai buvo galima ir reikėjo neleisti bolševikams laimėti Rusijos pilietinio karo ir tam būtų visai pakakę vidutinio intensyvumo Vakarų sąjungininkų pastangų, …

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Saudi extends 2018 deposit at Yemen central bank, pays final installment

Saudi Arabia on Monday extended a deposit it gave the central bank of Yemen’s internationally recognised government in 2018, and agreed to pay the final installment of the promised $2 billion, the central bank and Saudi ambassador to Yemen said. The Saudi finance ministry said the 2018 deposit duration would …

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