Riyadh has admitted that Yemen’s drone strikes on Saudi Arabia’s key oil facilities have shut down about 50 percent of the kingdom’s crude and gas production, with the United States rushing to point the finger at Iran for the raids without providing any evidence.
Read More »Saudi Oil Attack Photos Implicate Iran, U.S. Says; Trump Hints at Military Action
The Trump administration intensified its focus on Iran Sunday as the likely culprit behind attacks on important Saudi Arabian oil facilities over the weekend, with officials citing intelligence assessments to support the accusation and President Trump warning that he was prepared to take military action.
Read More »Iran gives Hezbollah precision-guided terrorism
The war between Israel and the Iranian-controlled Hezbollah terrorist network is continuous. It has flared into major conflicts several times since 1982.
Read More »Rouhani: Iran has no intention to talk with US
President Hassan Rouhani said on Tuesday that Iran opted for national resistance to the US maximum pressure and active diplomacy and that has not decided to negotiate with the US despite some suggestions from many states.
Read More »Trump Says U.S. 'Not Involved' In Iranian Rocket Launch Explosion
U.S. President Donald Trump says Washington had nothing to do with the explosion of an Iranian rocket as it sat on its launchpad at the Imam Khomeini Space Center.
Read More »Why does Trump treat Iran and North Korea so differently?
Iran and North Korea both get a great deal of attention from the international community — for all the wrong reasons. Yet while U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un have met several times now, shaking hands, smiling, and posing for photos, Trump has not once …
Read More »Iran's AEOI cheif says grounds prepared for producing 60 modern centrifuges
Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi on Tuesday announced the establishment of an advanced hall with the capacity to produce 60 new centrifuges.
Read More »Israel’s new front in the fight against Iran
On Aug. 12, an explosion took place inside an ammunition warehouse in the al-Saqr military base in southern Baghdad, triggering hundreds of mortars and rockets to fire off in all directions throughout urban, populated areas. One person was killed and 29 wounded, as munitions and debris scattered as far as …
Read More »Pro-Iranian Iraqi militia threatens missile attacks on US bases after arms depot explosions
A powerful pro-Iranian militia in Iraq has threatened to attack American bases if explosions such as those at four of its warehouses continued, despite the US denying any involvement.
Read More »Iran unveils new missile defence system, calls US talks 'useless'
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has inducted a locally built air-defence system into the country’s missile defence network at an unveiling ceremony in the capital, Tehran.
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