Middle Orient

Authorities seize Hizbullah weapons

BEKAA: The Lebanese Army confiscated a truckload of weapons belonging to Hizbullah in eastern Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, security sources said Wednesday. The truck, which was seized late Tuesday at a random army checkpoint at Douriss, near Baalbek, contained rockets, machine guns, assault rifles and ammunition for the weapons.

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Inculcating kindergarten children with radical Islamic ideology and the culture of anti-Israel terrorism

Indoctrination at an end of the year kindergarten party 1. On May 31, 2007, Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV satellite channel broadcast the end of the year party held for the 29 th class of kindergartens belonging to the Al-Mujamma’ al-Islami Islamic society, a part of Hamas’ social infrastructure ( da’wah ) …

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