Middle Orient

US Defence Secretary cautions Turkey against operation in Northern Iraq

SINGAPORE — US Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Sunday (June 3rd) warned Turkey to refrain from any unilateral incursion into northern Iraq. Speaking at the sidelines of an Asian security conference in Singapore, he said the US administration understands Ankara’s concerns, but believes negotiation is the best way to address …

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14 US troops die in Iraq

BAGHDAD (AFP) — At least 14 more American troops were killed in Iraq over the weekend, the military said Sunday, as a former US commander warned victory in the intractable conflict was now beyond reach.

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Fighting spreads in south of Lebanon

Fighting has spread to a second Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon after an army checkpoint near Ain al-Hilweh in the south was attacked by rocket-propelled grenades. The attack and ensuing gunfights wounded five people and came as troops continued their latest assault against Fatah al-Islam fighters at Nahr al-Bared in …

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