Middle Orient

Khalilzad Expected to Reflect US Weaknesses Honestly

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman in reaction to the statements made by the US ambassador to Baghdad said that Khalilzad is advised to reflect the basic and fundamental weak points of the US foreign policy to the White House honestly if stability and tranquility are expected to be restored in Iraq.

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Iran Will Stop Cooperation with IAEA in Certain Fields

Iranian Government Spokesman reported of a ratification by the council of ministers that foresees revision of cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in certain areas and added that cooperation in certain fields with the IAEA will be halted as long as Iran’s case has not been returned from …

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King Receives Iraqi Vice President

His Majesty King Abdullah II expressed hope that the Arab Summit which will kick off in Riyadh, next Wednesday, would come up with decisions that contribute to supporting Iraq get out of the ongoing whirl of violence and enhancing national reconciliation that aims at fostering Iraq’s unity in face of …

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