The Czech Communist Party’s brazen siding with China worries parts of the political establishment and the security services, especially given it provides support to the minority government in return for influence on policy. Facing a panel of stern officials backed by red flags in a cavernous chamber, a pudgy grey-haired …
Read More »China Consolidates Its Commercial Foothold in Djibouti
China’s presence in Africa’s smallest country is far more extensive than just a military base. Djibouti, located at the far end of the Horn of Africa, is the country with the smallest acreage on the African continent. But its proximity to the Middle East, its location on the energy transit …
Read More »Iran hosts Taliban delegation to discuss US presence in Afghanistan
Both Iranian and Taliban officials criticized the United States’ role in Afghanistan during a meeting in Tehran, Iran, amid peace talks in Qatar. An Iranian official accused the United States of prolonging the war in Afghanistan during a visit by the Taliban to Iran. A Taliban leader also told the …
Read More »Syria Supports China Against Any Attempt of Intervention in Its Domestic Affairs
Syria has expressed its support for China in the face of alleged attempts to interfere in its domestic affairs writes SANA. Syria has affirmed its support for China against any attempts to interfere in its domestic affairs, expressing strong condemnation and absolute rejection of US policy and the stances of …
Read More »Indian Army: Indian, Chinese Troops Face Off Along Border
Indian and Chinese soldiers were involved in a fresh clash last week along their disputed border in the eastern Himalayas according to the Indian army. China has not confirmed the incident. The latest scuffle took place amid a tense eight-month long standoff between their militaries and indicates that the border …
Read More »Biden Must Make Hard Choices Quickly on Afghanistan
Afghanistan may not rank in the top tier of U.S. President Joe Biden’s policy priorities, given the host of pressing crises in the United States. But Afghanistan’s fate hinges in large part on how the Biden team decides to approach the country’s conflict and its tenuous, still-nascent peace process. Biden …
Read More »Indirect Deaths: The Massive and Unseen Costs of America’s Post-9/11 Wars
“I got out of the Marines and within a few years, 15 of my buddies had killed themselves,” one veteran rifleman who served two tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq between 2003 and 2011 said to me recently. “One minute they belonged and the next, they were out, and they …
Read More »The Next U.S. President Will Face Hard Choices in Afghanistan
After more than a month of negotiations between the Taliban and the Afghan government, progress toward a peace agreement remains slow. The key unknown variable is whether the United States has an appetite for staying involved in the long grind of overseeing a peace process that must reconcile two divergent …
Read More »Will Biden Go Big or Go Backward on North Korea Diplomacy?
When President-elect Joe Biden enters the Oval Office on Jan. 20, he is unlikely to have North Korea at the front of his mind, given the many other urgent crises he will confront. But the Korean Peninsula has a way of forcing American presidents to pay attention.
Read More »What Will the Biden Administration Mean for Southeast Asia?
Although President Donald Trump has not conceded the United States presidential election and is mounting multiple dubious legal challenges to the results, President-elect Joe Biden is moving ahead with the transition.
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