South East Asia

Egypt to issue bonds in China’s currency yuan

The US dollar may be losing its dominance in the Middle East to the yuan. Egypt has decided to issue bond’s denominated in China’s currency, the yuan. Egyptian Finance Minister Mohamed Maait said at a press conference today that Egypt will issue $1.5 and $2 billion’s worth of the yuan-denominated …

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U.S. Warships Pass Taiwan Strait

The U.S. has deployed two of its warships to the Taiwan Strait in a first such mission since the controversial visit of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taipei, the Navy said on Saturday. Media reports said: USS Chancellorsville and USS Antietam, guided-missile cruisers, are sailing through international waters in …

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Key NATO allies show commitment to Indo-Pacific with fighter deployments

An armada of warplanes deployed to the Indo-Pacific by the United Kingdom, France and Germany signals the Europeans’ commitment to reinforce the region in a crisis, even during the challenge posed by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to security experts. The NATO members sent 13 Typhoon and Rafale fighters, seven …

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As Millions Suffer, the US Needs to End the Collective Punishment of the Afghan People

A year has now passed since the tumultuous U.S. withdrawal from decades of war and occupation in Afghanistan. With the Taliban functionally in charge, the country faces a deteriorating humanitarian crisis and economic collapse. But instead of taking action to promote stability and reinvigorate the economy, the U.S. has made …

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Recap: U.S. and Iran Stir Up Confrontation in Syria

Recent weeks in Syria have witnessed an escalation of violence between U.S. forces and militias backed by Iran. Recent weeks in Syria have witnessed an escalation of violence between U.S. forces and militias backed by Iran. According to the opposition website Baladi News, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) has stated …

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Security Threat: China’s Interest in US Agriculture

The more US agricultural technology China acquires, especially through theft, in order to become dominant in the agritech field, the worse the US will fare when it comes to selling its own technology, whether to China or third countries. The specific goal is for China to be able to satisfy …

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The Assassination Of Al-Zawahiri May Not Have Been A Good Idea – Analysis

The recent assassination of Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri is likely to create a number of ramifications. Al-Zawahiri was assassinated by two Hellfire R9-X missiles from an MQ9 Reaper drone, that had flown over or originated in a third country, in the heart of Kabul, which the US evacuated from in August …

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China Is Weaponizing Chinese Worldwide to Support the CCP

To make matters worse, the Chinese state has been open about its hostility to the United States. Among other things, in May 2019 People’s Daily, the Party’s self-described “mouthpiece” and therefore most authoritative publication in China, declared a “people’s war” on America. Many of those “different social systems”—especially the United …

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The India-Middle East Food Corridor: How the UAE, Israel, and India are forging a new inter-regional supply chain

As countries around the world cope with supply shortages of staple foods, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Israel, and India are creating an India-Middle East Food Corridor — a new West Asia value chain that harnesses the three states’ commercial and technological synergies to form what promises to be a …

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Terrorism is Less of an Existential Threat than Russia and China

MI5 Director General Ken McCallum’s joint address with the FBI Chief on 6 July saw a welcome rebalancing of the security service’s focus towards nation-state threats. Counterterrorism is an important function, but it was allowed to dominate for two decades while Russia, China and other belligerent states were insufficiently monitored. …

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