The US is changing its approach to dealing with China’s technology statecraft in the Middle East. The recent Microsoft-G42 deal offers a new model for technology competition that helps to secure American technologies while accommodating its partners’ aspirations. China’s engagement with the Middle East is intimately intertwined with its broader …
Read More »Tracking China’s Moves On Information Warfare – Analysis
The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is shifting focus to improving logistical elements that act as a force-multiplier during prolonged wars, learning from active conflicts in Europe and West Asia. Those looking for clues should pay heed to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visits and pronouncements to see how this new …
Read More »Britain Accuses China Of Working To Provide Russia With ‘Lethal Aid’
Britain has accused China of preparing to or already providing ‘lethal aid’ to Russia for its ongoing full-scale invasion of neighboring Ukraine. Citing U.S. and British defense intelligence, Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said there was evidence that “lethal aid is now, or will be, flowing from China to Russia and …
Read More »Deadly bomb hits de facto capital of Taliban-governed Afghanistan
Authorities in Afghanistan said Monday that a bomb blast had killed at least one person and injured three others in the southern city of Kandahar, the political headquarters of the country’s hardline Taliban rulers. The bomb was planted in a handcart on a road leading to the national capital, Kabul, …
Read More »How China Will Squeeze, Not Seize, Taiwan
A Slow Strangulation Could Be Just as Bad as a War Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2021, Admiral Philip Davidson, the retiring commander of U.S. military joint forces in the Indo-Pacific, expressed concern that China was accelerating its timeline to unify with Taiwan by amphibious invasion. “I …
Read More »India’s Assertive Role In Indo-Pacific: Balancing Power Dynamics And Regional Stability – OpEd
Due to the geostrategic significance, geographical certainty, intricate para dynamics and strategic problems, the value of the Indo-Pacific region can’t be overemphasised. India’s escalating economic and military prowess allows its dominance in this maritime region. However, India’s aggressiveness in the Indo-Pacific region is not without risks and consequences, especially when …
Read More »What has China learned from Russia and Iran’s use of proxies?
The answer may help U.S. planners anticipate and spot Beijing’s next moves. China has surely been watching as Russia and Iran have used non-state actors to pursue their strategic objectives in Ukraine, Gaza, and elsewhere. What lessons might Beijing have drawn, and how might we see them applied? The Kremlin …
Read More »How Washington’s Adversaries Learn from One Another to Compete Strategically
Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea each exist within the contours of a loose partnership aligned against the United States and Washington’s Western allies, cooperating to various degrees to blunt American hegemony and position themselves to succeed in strategic competition.China has been observing Russian and Iranian tactics, techniques, and procedures …
Read More »L’OTAN est-elle parvenue à affaiblir la Russie ?
Plusieurs de mes correspondants affirment que l’un des objectifs de l’occident otanien dans sa guerre de proxy contre la Russie était de l’affaiblir et que cet objectif est presque atteint aujourd’hui. Dans mon appréhension des événements et des faits, je pense qu’ils se trompent lourdement et qu’au contraire la Russie …
Read More »How Entanglement with China Erodes Germany’s Strategic Autonomy
Strategic blindness in Germany’s approach to China has led to mounting costs in terms of national sovereignty, economic independence and civil liberties. Disentangling from Beijing will not be easy, but the benefits will outweigh any short-term difficulties. German Chancellor Scholz’s recent visit to China has been widely met with derision. …
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