Azerbaijan deployed thousands of mercenaries in last year’s 44-day war that it and Turkey waged against Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia. Azerbaijan thereby flagrantly violated the UN’s International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (UNMERC) which it signed in 1997. Forty-six countries have signed UNMERC including Belgium, Cyprus, …
Read More »Egypt boosts ties with Burundi — with eye on Turkey
Egypt seeks to strengthen its ties with Burundi and the Nile Basin countries in a bid to curb Turkey’s expansion in East Africa, to protect its national security from any threats. As a foreign policy priority for Cairo, Egypt seeks to strengthen its ties with Burundi and the Nile Basin …
Read More »Where is the money? Erdogan feels the heat over foreign reserves drain
Turkey’s government goes on the defensive as the main opposition presses for answers on how the central bank ended up with negative reserves. Turkey’s main opposition has mounted an emphatic campaign calling the government to account on why the central bank burnt through $128 billion in foreign reserves in “back-door” …
Read More »West-East dilemma closes in on Erdogan
As Erdogan teeters between the West and the Russia-China axis, it will be his goal of securing his political future at home that determines which direction he takes. In a span of five days last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered two diametrically opposed messages to Washington, highlighting his …
Read More »As Erdogan finesses Turkey-US ties, Pentagon reiterates stance on S-400s
A Pentagon official urged Ankara to take action over its Russian-made S-400 missile acquisition after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed interest in restoring bilateral ties. As the Turkish government attempts to recalibrate relations with the new US administration under President Joe Biden, its acquisition of Russian-made S-400 missile defense …
Read More »Used for smuggling into Turkish territory | Turkish forces detonate tunnel in western countryside of Idlib
SOHR activists say have reported that Turkish forces detonated a tunnel used for smuggling in the area of Ain al-Bayda in western countryside of Idlib, near the border with the Iskenderun region. According to SOHR sources, the tunnel is used for smuggling operations between Syria and Turkey, whether goods or …
Read More »Russia, Turkey, Iran determined to pursue peace in Syria
Syria peace negotiations in Astana, Kazakhstan, which have been delayed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, resumed by Russia, Turkey and Iran in Sochi port city in the presence of delegations of the United Nations, the Syrian government and Syrian opposition groups. The fifteenth international meeting for peace in …
Read More »Turkish deaths in northern Iraq spark early row with US
“After this, there are two options. Either act with Turkey with no ifs or buts, without questioning, or they will be a partner to every murder and bloodshed,” Erdogan said. The United States on Monday sought to defuse a furious diplomatic row with NATO ally Turkey by saying it now …
Read More »Turkey botches raid, blames ‘terrorists,’ attacks domestic critics
Within a 24-hour period, Turkey’s ruling party and its supporters managed to, first, admit they botched a deadly raid in northern Iraq, blamed “terrorists” for killing people harmed in the raid, and then moved the target to attack domestic political opponents. Turkey’s AK Party, which has been in power almost …
Read More »Turkey rejects US demands, commits to Libya troop presence
Turkey has confirmed that its troop presence in Libya will remain in place pending Libyan government approval and the status of the 2019 Ankara-Tripoli bilateral military agreement. Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin confirmed the decision in an interview with state broadcaster TRT.
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