Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the relations between Tehran and Ankara serve peace and stability in the region. Speaking with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a phone conversation initiated by the latter, Raisi said close cooperation between Iran and Turkey is essential for peace and security in the …
Read More »Can A China-Russia-Pakistan-Turkey-Iran Arrangement Counter The Quad? – Analysis
On July 28, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, who was on a two-day visit to India, emphasised that the Quad is not a military alliance, but an arrangement to spearhead regional cooperation and security while maintaining international rules and values. In a similar vein, the Indian External Affairs …
Read More »Turkey and the West: Drifting Further Apart
In theory, Turkey is a NATO ally. In theory, also, Turkey is in negotiations with the European Union for full membership. In reality, both are illusions. In April, the European Council on Foreign Relations surveyed more than 17,000 people in 12 European countries. The survey found that: “Turkey is the …
Read More »Лукашенко нашел слабое место ЕС
В миграционном кризисе, который возник из-за конфликта Литвы и Белоруссии, примечательнее всего индифферентное отношение Евросоюза к проблемам государства-члена. Литовские руководители подчёркивают, что проблема носит общеевропейский характер, не является продуктом исключительно белорусско-литовских отношений, и даже утверждают, что получают серьёзную поддержку от ЕС. Однако это больше похоже на сохранение лица и своего …
Read More »Turkey: Arbitrary Arrests, Kidnappings, Torture in Prison
“Because my surgery was delayed while I was in prison, my left upper tooth, left palate, cheekbone and lymph nodes were removed. The bottom of my left chin is now empty. 20 cms of bone was taken from my leg and placed on my face… According to the latest MRI …
Read More »Turkey cannot be the refugee gatekeeper of the EU
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz told the German paper Bild on July 25 that those fleeing Afghanistan should go to “neighboring” countries such as Turkey, rather than European Union countries, to seek asylum. It’s a shameful statement because of trying to humiliate refugees and Turkey that he puts into a position …
Read More »Ankara Says Turkish Troops Stationed in Afghanistan Will Not Engage in Combat Duty
The Turkish contingent in Afghanistan will not assume any combat duty other than self-defense, Defense Ministry spokeswoman Pinar Kara said on Thursday. “The Turkish armed forces have been stationed in Afghanistan for 20 years, and for the past six years, they have been protecting and running the international airport in …
Read More »Turkey in the Sahel
Ankara is strengthening ties with Sahelian capitals, building mosques and hospitals and opening up export markets. Its defence pact with Niamey has led rivals to suspect its intentions. Turkey and other outside powers should do what they can to avoid unnecessary additional competition in the region.
Read More »İhvan’a bir darbe de Tunus’ta
Her yerden gol yiyoruz. Libya diplomasimizin bir ayağını da Tunus ve Cezayir oluşturuyordu. Şimdi Tunus’ta yaşanacaklar Libya’daki durumumuzu az veya çok etkileyecek.
Read More »KKTC bağımsız mı?
Kırk yedi sene önce dün Türk ordusu Kıbrıs’a çıktı. İlk açıklaması Kıbrıs’ta faşist bir darbe gerçekleştiren Samson’un Kıbrıslı Türklere karşı bir katliama girişebileceği idi. Garantörlerden biri olarak Kıbrıs’a müdahale edilmişti. Amaç, Ada’da barış ve istikrarı savunmaktı. Barış tesis edildikten sonra asker geri dönecekti. Diğer iki garantör devlet; İngiltere ve Yunanistan …
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