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Ukraine-Poland row exposes history, limits of devotion

The vitriolic dispute between Poland and Ukraine brings out some aspects of the West’s approach to the war in Ukraine that the Ukrainian government would do well to study carefully. The dispute originated in charges by Poland and other central European governments that Ukraine’s greatly increased grain exports to Europe …

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“As you sow, so you reap”: Danas interlocutors on the intention to turn Radoičić’s villa into a police station

The first consequence of the incident in the village of Banjska, which left four victims, could be the confiscation of the villa on Lake Gazivode, which, according to the authorities in Pristina, is owned by Milan Radoičić, the former vice-president of the Serbian List. As Dželjalj Svečlja, the Minister of …

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USA’s Latest Great Game East – OpEd

Why is the US so hell-bent on pushing Bangladesh on democracy and human rights? Is Bangladesh any worse than Pakistan or many other Middle Eastern sheikhdoms on these issues? Why is the US even threatening to sanction police officers who battle Islamist radicals on the streets? The answer can be …

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