When a pro-NATO group in Finland began circulating a petition last week demanding a referendum on whether the traditionally non-aligned country should join the U.S.-led transatlantic defense alliance, the response was overwhelming.
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When a pro-NATO group in Finland began circulating a petition last week demanding a referendum on whether the traditionally non-aligned country should join the U.S.-led transatlantic defense alliance, the response was overwhelming.
Read More »Who hasn’t thought in terms of national identities, stereotypical and misleading as they are? He’s an American, someone might say, or she’s French, or those folks over there are Japanese, and so on. We know such identities blur and dissolve upon closer inspection. There turn out to be many different …
Read More »Incidents following the Ukraine Crisis are developing dramatically. The world markets are also bearing the Crisis’ brunt. A report by The New York Times said: A digital barricade went up between Russia and the world. Both Russian authorities and multinational internet companies built the wall with breathtaking speed. And the …
Read More »Jeśli damy się nabrać na podrzuconą przez PiS ideę rzekomej “zgody narodowej”, w pełni zasłużymy na to, co nas w konsekwencji spotka. Czyli na putinizację Polski. Ponieważ w związku z wojną na Ukrainie niepokojącą popularność w ostatnich dniach zyskuje teoria (zapewne podrzucona przez PR-owców PiS) budowania jedności narodowej, czytaj – …
Read More »Hat in der Schweiz gerade eine neutralitätspolitische Zeitenwende stattgefunden? Die Geschichte zeigt: Neutralität ist immer auch eine Frage der Betroffenheit und des Standpunkts. Gerade deshalb muss der Bundesrat erklären, was er darunter versteht. Österreich ist ein neutrales Land. Finnland und Schweden gelten ebenfalls als neutral. Schweden hat am Sonntag Waffenlieferungen …
Read More »Lockheed Martin (LMT.N) will invest more than $1 billion in manufacturing in Saudi Arabia, a senior executive said on Tuesday, as the kingdom looks to use its clout as a major arms buyer to help diversify its economy away from oil. Ray Piselli, Lockheed’s vice president of international business, told …
Read More »Last week, I was on a panel with Jason Furman and Joseph Stiglitz, discussing the recent surge in inflation and the prospects for the future. We took some questions from the audience, but there were a number for which we did not have time. I have picked some of these …
Read More »Depuis 2015, l’Arabie saoudite mène une coalition qui frappe régulièrement les rebelles houthis au Yémen. La RTS, en collaboration avec des journalistes de SRF, RSI, la NZZ am Sonntag et l’ONG Lighthouse Reports, a pu démontrer que les Saoudiens mènent cette guerre notamment avec des Sig Sauer 551, des fusils …
Read More »« L’Obs », associé à un collectif de journalistes indépendants, a identifié une soixantaine de biens immobiliers en France appartenant à une trentaine de riches hommes d’affaires russes. Certains de ces avoirs pourraient être saisis dans le cadre des sanctions imposées par la France et l’Union européenne. Une séance de …
Read More »While it does not appear that Russia has become interested in undermining the JCPOA as a whole, dragging out the talks could serve Russia’s interests. Russia’s military attack on Ukraine has had a number of consequences for Iran, the most important of which have impacted the state of the nuclear …
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