GAZA, June 13 (Xinhua) — Egyptian security mediators started a meeting with Hamas officials in Gaza city on Wednesday afternoon as the movement continued battles against rival Fatah.
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Egyptian-led peaceful rally under fire in Gaza, two killed
GAZA, June 13 (Xinhua) — A peaceful rally held in Gaza City under the call of an Egyptian mediating delegation was under fire on Wednesday afternoon, left two Palestinian civilians dead and 17 others wounded, witnesses and paramedics said.
Read More »Saudi health ministry to recruit 2,000 Egyptians
Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Health has signed a contract for the recruitment of 2,000 Egyptians as part of its plan to train 20 per cent of all doctors in the GCC states as specialists in family medicine over the next 10 years.
Read More »Ruling party wins Egypt’s elections
President Hosni Mubarak’s ruling party has won a majority of seats in Egypt’s upper house of parliament in elections marred by violence.
Read More »Mubarak probes with Jordanian King regional, bilateral issues
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on Tuesday held a session of talks with visiting Jordanian King Abdullah II at the presidential palace on the latest developments in the regional and bilateral relations.
Read More »Ministrul român de Externe se întâlneÅŸte cu autorităţile americane
Ministrul român de Externe, Adrian Cioroianu, aflat într-o vizită oficială la Washington, se întâlneşte astăzi cu secretarul de stat american, Condoleezza Rice. Tot astăzi, şeful diplomaţiei de la Bucureşti va merge la Pentagon, pentru a discuta cu Gordon England, adjunctul secretarului Apărării.
Read More »Financial Times: România ÅŸi Bulgaria vor scăpa probabil de sancÅ£iunile UE
România şi Bulgaria vor scăpa probabil, luna aceasta, de sancţiunile Uniunii Europene, în pofida eşecului lor de a anihila corupţia şi crima organizată, după ce au aderat la clubul european în ianuarie, comentează Financial Times în ediţia electronică de astăzi.
Read More »Tăriceanu le promite europarlamentarilor funcÅ£ionarea ANI
Reforma în justiţie şi funcţionarea Agenţiei Naţionale de Integritate vor fi criterii majore în raportul de evaluare a României, pe care Comisia Europeană îl va prezenta peste două săptămâni.
Read More »Bosnian Muslims rally to demand autonomy for Srebrenica
SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) — Thousands of Muslims who survived the Srebrenica massacre gathered in Sarajevo on Monday (June 11th) to demand autonomy for the area, the scene of Europe’s worst post World War II atrocity in the summer of 1995.
Read More »Romanian cabinet survives no-confidence vote
BUCHAREST, Romania — The minority cabinet of Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu survived a no-confidence vote on Monday (June 11th) with help from the main opposition party, the Social Democrats.
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