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Statement by the Administration of the President of C.R.I

In The name Of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! In connection with the death of the President of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI), Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, in accordance with Article 75 of CRI Constitution, Vice President of CRI Dokka Umarov is fulfilling the responsibilities of the President of CRI since 17 …

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Russian convoy attacked in Nojay-Yurt district

According to information of invaders’ sources, a Russian military convoy has been attacked in CRI’s Nojay-Yurt district. According to same sources, Mujahideen blew up a remote-controlled mine first and then attacked the convoy automatic weapons. UAZ army jeep and BTR armored troop-carrier have been blown up to destroy. According to …

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The night is darkest just before the dawn

The death of Abdul-Halim Sadulayev, President of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, is a great and very sad loss for the whole Chechen land. May I express my sincere condolences to his relatives, friends, and comrades-in-arms. He was the youngest Chechen president in history.

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The difficult way to freedom

First of all, I want to express sincere condolences about the death of Abdu-Halim Sadulayev, President of Chechen Republic. His assassination is yet another crime of Russian imperialism against the Chechen nation.

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Combat actions take place in northern, southern Ichkeria

According to information of a representative of Chechen Command, Russian military convoys and outposts had come under attack in country’s southern parts of Vedeno and Nojay-Yurt districts on June 19, during the combat operations of Mujahideen. According to the sources, mobile squads of Mujahideen attacked invaders in Shirdi-Mohk, Beti-Mohk, Janni-Vedeno, …

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President Sadulaev was attacked by more than 350 enemy troops

The DAYMOHK Information Agency reports some details of the battle in Argun, with reference to Ahmad Sardali, Chairman of the Political Council of the International Movement for De-colonisation of Caucasus. “My friends from Argun just contacted me and told me about some details of the battle,” Mr. Sardali said. “This …

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Witnessing the scheduled destruction of Gaza

On Tuesday, June 13, Israeli missile fire killed seven Palestinian civilians in Gaza City. Among the dead were two children. The strike follows an Israeli assault on a Gaza beach last week which claimed the lives of seven family members-including five children. In a report released on June 11, the …

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