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Dedesubtul scandalului caricaturilor

Ahmed Jaber, ziarist roman de origine palestiniana, explica dedesubturile scandalului caricaturilor. Ahmed Jaber precizeaza ca, in religia islamica, prezentarea imaginii profetului Mahomed este interzisa. Dumnezeu, ca o lumina Doar imitarea vocii lui intr-un film este permisa, iar Dumnezeu nu poate fi reprezentat decat ca o lumina. Aceasta este o hotarare …

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Secret U.S. Iraq pact

About two months prior to the invasion of IRAQ, the U.S. PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH told the British Prime Minister TONY BLAIR that America plans to launch a war against IRAQ regardless to the fact that the U.S. nuclear inspectors didn’t find the alleged Weapons of Mass Destruction he claimed …

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Military Council Majlisul Shura: ‘Special operation carried out in Kurchaloi’

Kavkaz Center agency has received via e-mail a statement from the HQ of Military Council Majlisul Shura of CRI in which says that in the evening on February 7, 2006 as a result of special operation of Chechen special services the military base of ‘Vostok’ gang of famous national-traitor Sulim …

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Hamas win sets world a conundrum

The victory of Hamas in the Palestinian elections has set the rest of the world a dilemma. The Palestinians have chosen Hamas and therefore the democratic choice has to be accepted, especially as spreading democracy in the “Greater Middle East” is the goal of the Bush administration. But Hamas is …

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Hamas floats Palestinian ‘army’

The political leader of the Hamas militant group has said it could create a new Palestinian army following its surprise election victory. Khaled Meshaal, who lives in exile in Syria, said the force would include its militant wing and would “defend our people against aggression”. His comments came after foreign …

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Hezbollah: Between Tehran and Damascus

In the wake of the stunning American victory over Al-Qa’ida forces in Afghanistan, the Bush administration has increasingly focused its attention on the Lebanese Shi’ite Islamist group Hezbollah. The movement’s continuing, if sporadic, attacks across the UN-demarcated “Blue Line” against Israeli forces stationed in the Shebaa Farms area of the …

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Leader Receives Officials in Charge of Hajj Pilgrimage

The Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei received a group of officials and executives in charge of the hajj pilgrimage on Saturday, January 28. Speaking at the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the mental and spiritual development of Muslims as the most important goal pursued …

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Clergymen and Preachers Meet the Leader

On the threshold of the holy month of Moharram and the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain-ibn-Ali (greetings be upon him), a large group of clergymen and preachers met the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on Wednesday, January 25. In an address to the audience, …

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Leader Receives Staff and Students of Imam Sadeq University

On the auspicious occasion of the Eid al-Ghadir, the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei received the staff and students of Imam Sadeq (greetings be upon him) University on Thursday, January 19. Speaking at the meeting, the Leader congratulated the audience on the auspicious occasion …

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