TimeLine Layout

June, 2006

  • 22 June

    Croatia adopts bill tightening control over arms possession

    ZAGREB, Croatia — The Croatian government adopted a bill on Tuesday (20 June) that would establish tighter control and a more thorough licensing process for arms possession. The move aims to reduce illegal possession of weapons.

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  • 22 June

    EU, US envoys to Macedonia warn against election incidents

    SKOPJE, Macedonia — EU and US envoys to Macedonia warned Tuesday (20 June) that recent incidents during the 5 July election campaign could affect the country’s EU and NATO membership aspirations. EU member state ambassadors told Prime Minister Vlado

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  • 22 June


    Un diplomat irakian, fost angajat al Ambasadei Bagdadului în România, a intrat în Å£ară deÅŸi a fost expulzat acum 3 ani ÅŸi fusese declarat personna non grata pentru o perioadă de 5 ani. Muhammad Åžaker, fost diplomat al regimului Saddam Hussein, a fost prins în Bacău ÅŸi a fost adus …

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  • 22 June


    Aflat într-o vizită la Roma, ministrul român de Externe Mihai Ungureanu a declarat că autorităţile române nu au luat nici o decizie referitoare la retragerea efectivelor militare din Irak ÅŸi nu au această intenÅ£ie în perspectivă. Mai mult decât atât, el a precizat că România nu intenÅ£ionează să suplimenteze numărul …

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  • 22 June

    Rehn urges Turkey to meet commitments

    BRUSSELS, Belgium — EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn on Tuesday (20 June) again urged Turkey to observe its commitments in the EU accession process. He said domestic authorities must take immediate measures to overcome the delays

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  • 22 June

    EU auditors claim Bulgaria, Romania mishandling PHARE funds

    BRUSSELS, Belgium — The European Court of Auditors released a report on Tuesday (20 June) criticising the European Commission (EC) for not monitoring the way Bulgaria and Romania are handling aid under the PHARE programme. The audit covers projects initiated in 2000-2004, involving

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  • 22 June

    Jewish groups pushing for Darfur peacekeepers — Bashir

    KHARTOUM (AP) — President Omar Bashir has escalated his rejection of the United Nations deploying peacekeepers in Darfur, saying they would be neocolonialists and accusing “Jewish organisations” of pushing for their deployment.

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  • 22 June

    Red Cross meet tries to break deadlock on Israeli accession

    GENEVA (AFP) — An international conference was mired Wednesday, as efforts continued to break a deadlock after a Muslim challenge to moves to facilitate Israeli membership of the global Red Cross movement.

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  • 22 June

    Australia to review troop levels in Iraq by 2007

    SYDNEY (AP) — Australia will review its troop deployment to Iraq by the end of this year, Defence Minister Brendan Nelson said Wednesday — the first time the Australian government has signalled a possible timeline for withdrawing its troops.

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  • 22 June

    Baghdad gunmen shoot dead 3rd Saddam lawyer

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) — One of Saddam Hussein’s main lawyers was shot dead on Wednesday after men in police uniform took him from his home, relatives said, the third defence attorney to be killed since the trial opened in October.

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