TimeLine Layout

January, 2006

  • 19 January


    In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful “So when you have performed your devotions, then laud Allah as you lauded your fathers, rather a greater lauding” (2: 200) Dear Muslim brothers and sisters: The Hajj season is an occasion for hope and good tidings. On the one hand, …

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  • 17 January

    Saudi FM says West partly to blame for Iran nuke programme

    LONDON (AP) — Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said he opposed any attempt by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, but alleged the West was partly to blame for Tehran’s nuclear programme. In an interview broadcast Monday by the British Broadcasting Corp.,

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  • 17 January

    Israel sends troops to quell ‘Jewish intifada’

    HEBRON (AFP) — Israel drafted hundreds of police reinforcements to the West Bank town of Hebron in a bid to quell what the press on Monday dubbed the Jewish intifada, sparked by plans to evacuate settlers.

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  • 17 January

    2 Syrian officials give more evidence to Hariri probe

    VIENNA (AFP) — Two Syrian intelligence officers began giving evidence in Vienna again Monday to the UN commission investigating the murder 11 months ago of Lebanese former prime minister Rafiq Hariri, a Syrian diplomat said.

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  • 17 January

    Kuwaitis watch for who will be next crown prince

    KUWAIT CITY (AP) — Kuwaitis watched for signals Monday of who would be named the next crown prince, heir to their ailing new emir, Sheikh Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, while most of the country shut down to mourn the death of the country’s ruler for the past 27 years.

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  • 17 January

    Security Council demands Iran nuke compliance as Russia offers compromise

    LONDON (AP) — Key members of the UN Security Council agreed Monday that Iran must fully suspend its nuclear programme, but came to no agreement on whether to refer the dispute for action by the council. Russian President Vladimir Putin held out hope for a compromise

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  • 17 January

    Hamas, Fateh battle it out in Gaza town

    KHAN YOUNIS — Dirt-poor but proud, the people of this southern Gaza town are caught up in a fierce battle for their votes between the Palestinian ruling party Fateh and the Islamist movement Hamas.

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  • 17 January

    Islamists win to force Palestinian ties rethink — Spanish FM

    RAMALLAH (AFP) — Europe will have to re-evaluate its links with the Palestinians in the event of a Hamas victory in next week’s legislative elections, Spain’s Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos said Monday.

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  • 17 January

    US copter down in Iraq

    Agencies A US HELICOPTER came down near Baghdad on Monday in what appeared to be the second shooting down of an aircraft in three days, with rebel violence expected to escalate as Iraq’s election results are confirmed.

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  • 15 January

    Iran defiant in face of Security Council threat

    TEHRAN (AP) — Iran’s president stood fast Saturday behind his decision to conduct uranium enrichment research, shrugging off threats of international sanctions, while his foreign ministry invited Europe and the UN nuclear watchdog back to the negotiating table. In a ringing defence of Iran’s resumption Tuesday of research at its …

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