TimeLine Layout

September, 2005

  • 13 September

    Jaafari tours Tal Afar

    TAL AFAR (AP) — Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari toured the northern city of Tal Afar on Monday — ignoring an alleged Al Qaeda threat to strike with chemical weapons — to congratulate Iraqi soldiers and commandos for successfully rousting militants from the insurgent stronghold near the Syrian border, Iraqi television …

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  • 13 September

    Israel pulls out of Gaza

    NEVE DEKALIM, Gaza Strip (Reuters) — Jubilant Palestinians planted flags on the rubble of Jewish settlements and set synagogues ablaze on Monday as Israeli troops pulled out of the Gaza Strip after 38 years of occupation. “This is a day of happiness and joy that the Palestinian people have not …

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  • 13 September

    Clinic gives only hope for thousands

    AKUEM — Eight months pregnant, Achan Lual headed off into the grassy bush, crisscrossing southern Sudan’s former battlefields, in search of a doctor. Swollen with twins, the 34-year-old arrived four days later at the only operational health centre for hundreds of miles — a collection of mud huts with thatch …

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  • 13 September

    Outlook after pullout

    Israel ended its military presence in the Gaza Strip on Monday, having removed 8,500 Jewish settlers from 21 enclaves and demolished their homes after 38 years of occupation. Following is an outline of Israel’s first handover of an entire territory that it captured in the 1967 Middle East war and …

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  • 13 September

    Israel’s Gaza departure stirs old memories

    ISRAEL’S PULLOUT FROM the Gaza Strip on Monday stirred memories on both sides of the day Israel pushed into the Egyptian-administered territory 38 years ago. Mohammad Ahmad Ashour was a 23-year-old Palestinian soldier serving in the Egyptian army in Gaza City when war broke out on June 5, 1967. “A …

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  • 13 September

    Rights groups list litany of vote flaws

    CAIRO (AFP) — Egypt’s first multi-candidate presidential election which propelled veteran leader Hosni Mubarak to another six years in office was marred by widespread violations and irregularities that caused confusion and chaos at polling stations, rights group charged Monday. “Indelible” ink that rubbed off, outdated voting lists, monitors being denied …

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  • 13 September

    Mehlis takes Hariri probe to Syria

    DAMASCUS (Reuters) — Syria agreed on Monday with chief UN investigator Detlev Mehlis on the procedures for questioning Syrian witnesses in the probe into the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri. “An agreement has been reached on the procedures and arrangements for hearing Syrian witnesses,” a Syrian official …

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  • 8 September

    US hostage freed in Iraq after 10 months

    BAGHDAD (AP) — The US military, acting on a tip, raided a farmhouse Wednesday and rescued an American held hostage for 10 months. In southern Iraq, a roadside bomb killed four American security guards, fuelling fears the bloody insurgency was taking deeper root outside Sunni-dominated territory. Roy Hallums, 57, was …

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  • 8 September

    Top military aide assassinated in Gaza

    GAZA CITY (AFP) — The security chaos blighting the Gaza Strip Wednesday claimed its highest-profile victim when local strongman Moussa Arafat, an adviser to Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, was assassinated by gunmen. Abbas led condemnation of the popular resistance committees’ killing of Arafat, a cousin of the late Yasser Arafat, …

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  • 8 September

    In war or peace, deal-maker survives

    NAIROBI — Hollywood wasn’t exaggerating when it portrayed Osman Ali Atto as the master survivor of Mogadishu’s ganglands. But the warlord with a wrestler’s build and hawk-like face immortalised in the film “Black Hawk Down” says his wheeling and dealing is aimed as much at strengthening Somalia as at making …

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