TimeLine Layout

August, 2005

  • 3 August

    Rebels kill 33 Iraq as committee fails to solve constitution woes

    BAGHDAD (AFP) — Iraqis tasked with drafting the new constitution failed Tuesday to make progress in resolving issues holding up the completion of the charter as rebel attacks left at least 33 dead. The constitution committee tried to solve some of the issues as parliamentarians vowed that the draft charter …

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  • 3 August

    More violence in aftermath of Garang’s death

    Northern and southern Sudanese clashed in Khartoum on Tuesday in a second day of violence sparked by the death of ex-rebel leader John Garang who helped end two decades of war in Africa’s largest country. Authorities sent in police and helicopters to quell the violence in a shantytown on the …

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  • 3 August

    Kiir — rebel commander, but political novice

    KHARTOUM (AFP) — Salva Kiir, who took over from John Garang as the leader of south Sudan, is a military commander with little experience as a statesman who faces the daunting task of shoring up the fledgling peace signed by his illustrious predecessor. The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) convened …

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  • 3 August

    South grieves for leader Garang

    NEW SITE (AFP) — Southern Sudan grieved Tuesday for the loss of ex-rebel leader John Garang who personified the region’s struggle against Khartoum before turning his sights on peace and negotiating a landmark deal to end Africa’s longest-running civil war. As mourners filed by a simple table where his body …

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  • 3 August

    Former hostage tells of trial by kangaroo court

    SAMARRA — When militant groups in Iraq kidnap those suspected of working with the US-led coalition, what follows is often a long detention, a harrowing trial by kangaroo court and swift execution. Ghaleb Saadun Al Duri, a 37-year-old contractor, is a rare survivor of such an ordeal. He spent two …

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  • 3 August

    Looming Gaza withdrawal sows division in army

    TEKOA, West Bank — As a combat soldier in an Israeli army engineers battalion, Avi Bieber had always volunteered for the toughest missions. But when the 19-year-old, US-born corporal was ordered to take part in pre-withdrawal operations in Gaza’s main settlement bloc, he refused, becoming a hero to many Jewish …

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  • 3 August

    Constitution writers struggle with structure, legal system

    BAGHDAD — Issues blocking agraeement on a new constitution are critical to the future of Iraq, and compromise will require more than a little statesmanship among leaders with vastly different visions for the country’s new direction. The chairman of the committee writing the constitution has asked political leaders of the …

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  • 3 August

    EU warns Iran over resumption of activities

    PARIS (AFP) — The European Union issued a sharp warning to Iran Tuesday, saying it risked unspecified consequences if it makes good on its threat to resume sensitive nuclear activities in breach of a deal currently under negotiation. “Were Iran to resume currently suspended activities, our negotiations would be brought …

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  • 3 August

    Settlers vent fury at Sharon

    SDEROT, Israel (AFP) — Israel’s settler movement bitterly denounced their old champion Ariel Sharon Tuesday as they gathered in their thousands to protest the imminent implementation of the prime minister’s Gaza pullout plan. “We voted for you, we believed you when you said that [the Gaza settlement] Netzarim was as …

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  • 3 August

    King Fahd laid to rest

    RIYADH (Agencies) — King Fahd was laid to rest in an unmarked desert grave Tuesday after his body, wrapped in a simple brown robe, was borne from a prayer service by his sons. His Majesty King Abdullah, US Vice President Dick Cheney and other world leaders headed to Saudi Arabia …

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