TimeLine Layout

June, 2005

  • 19 June

    Gov’t, opposition alliance sign reconciliation deal

    CAIRO (AFP) — Khartoum and Sudan’s largest opposition bloc on Saturday signed a landmark reconciliation agreement that officials said would boost efforts to bring peace back to Africa’s largest country. But an opposition leader told AFP that despite the signing, all issues had not been resolved and negotiators would remain …

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  • 19 June

    UN probe team may question Lebanese, Syrian officials

    BEIRUT (AP) — UN investigators said a truck bomb probably was used to kill former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, but they are not sure whether the bomber died as well. “We are talking here about a probability of 99.9 per cent” that the explosion was above ground, chief UN investigator …

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  • 19 June

    EU in deeper crisis after summit failure

    BRUSSELS (Reuters) — The European Union was plunged deeper into crisis on Saturday after its leaders failed to agree on a long-term budget, two weeks after French and Dutch voters rejected a proposed EU constitution. The summit breakdown threatens the enlarged 25-nation bloc with financial paralysis on top of the …

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  • 19 June

    Rice urges Palestinian-Israeli cooperation on pullout

    RAMALLAH (AFP) — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Saturday that time was running short to nail down details of Israel’s pullout from the Gaza Strip and prodded the Palestinians to do much more to boost security. Israeli military radio also reported that she pressed the Jewish state for “substantial” …

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  • 19 June

    Bush rejects pullout

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) — President George W. Bush on Saturday rejected calls for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq and tried to counter growing impatience with the war by calling it a “vital test” for American security. “The mission isn’t easy, and it will not be accomplished overnight,” Bush said …

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  • 19 June

    Troops kill 50 Iraqi rebels

    KARABILAH (AP) — Helicopter gunships and fighter jets streaked across the desert sky in the hunt for foreign fighters near Syria’s border Saturday as part of two US-Iraqi offensives that have killed 50 insurgents so far in protracted battles. Operation Spear, or Romhe in Arabic, entered its second day in …

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  • 11 June

    Alegerile pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran

    In numele lui Dumnezeu Aducem la cunostinta tuturor compatriotilor nostri care locuiesc in Romania ca data fiind desfasurarea alegerilor pentru cel de-al noualea mandat al Presedintiei Republicii Islamice Iran, in data de vineri 17 iunie 2005 , la sediul ambasadei va fi deschisa , intre orele 9.00-19.00 , o urna …

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  • 9 June

    Blair wins kind words from Bush, but has tough job on Africa

    WASHINGTON — With warm words but few solid promises from President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has tough negotiating ahead to work out deals on boosting Africa’s poor and tackling climate change in time for next month’s summit of rich countries in Scotland. Bush inched towards Blair’s …

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  • 9 June

    Hamas men escape air strike

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Israel yesterday launched an air strike against what its army said were three Hamas members who fired mortars at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip in a second day of increasing tension. On Tuesday, two Palestinian farmers and one Chinese labourer were killed by Palestinian mortar fire …

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  • 9 June

    Kurds, spurred by peers in Iraq, seek their rights

    DAMASCUS — Spurred by the Kurds’ political advance in Iraq, the Kurdish minority in Syria is hoping the Baath Party congress in Damascus will help resolve their problems, which have been compounded by the recent murder of one of their leaders. In Iraq, Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani has been elected …

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